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StarTiger - Browsing Category Home->Performing Arts->Screenwriter/Playwright , A-Z Filter: U
Browsing Category Home->Performing Arts->Screenwriter/Playwright , A-Z Filter: U
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  1. Screewriter & Playwright
  2. Tv writer- family ties, True Colors, Condo
  3. Screenwriter - Fight Club & Jumper
  4. playwright driving miss daisy, pulitzer prize 1988
  5. Screenwriter
  6. Script Supervisors
  7. Director
  8. Camera Assistant
  9. Film/TV Writer
  10. Screenwriter, wrote the screenplay for Gidget 1959
  11. Writer for Mister Roger's Neighborhood from 1973-75
  12. Writer/Screenwriter
  13. Michael Urban  (2)
    Screenwriter: Saved!
  14. Screenwriter - Poor White Trash (2000)
  15. actor - starred in Brookside & The Bill as PC Des Taviner
  16. Screenwriter/Director
  17. Screenwriter
  18. French screenwriter
  19. Screenwriter
  20. Screenwriter-Mortal Kombat,Freaks Of Nature