Deputy General Director of Russian state-owned power company, Zarubezhneft and one of the survivors of The Chernobyl disaster, that occurred on 26 April 1986 in Ukraine, Russia.He worked as a supervisor at the reactor at the time of the disaster
WW2 Polish POW/Cut the hair of Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Hoess, one of the most cold-blooded and sadistic mass murders in Adolf Hitler's regime/Lives in Krakow Poland
Michael Ralph Paine b.6/25/1928 retired engineer who worked for Bell Helicopter in Fort Worth, Texas in 1963. Became notable after assassination of JFK because of his and his wife's acquaintance with purported assassin Lee Harvey Oswald
Friend of Marina Oswald, who was living with her at the time of JFK assassination. According to 4 government investigations, Oswald stored the 6.5 mm caliber Carcano rifle he used to assassinate John F. Kennedy in Paine's garage.
US WWII B-24 Pilot (1919-2024) Shot down on 50th mission, POW for 11 months. Oklahoma Dust Bowl survivor, one of the very last living people to have ridden the rails during the Depression
JFK - Secret Service agent for 4 presidents; guarded President Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis and in Berlin; responsible to guard JFK's car after the assassination
Foreign policy adviser served President Trump's 2016 president campaign. 10/05/17, Pled guilty making false statements to FBI agents about contacts with Russia in 2016 relating to U.S.-Russia relations & emails stolen from Clinton campaign
Calvin Parker claims he and co-worker Charles Hickson were abducted by aliens while fishing near Pascagoula, Mississippi. The story made national headlines in 1973. His story is told in his book: PASCAGOULA-THE CLOSEST ENCOUNTER: MY STORY
WWII Rosie the Riveter, photographed working with her sister Naomi Parker Fraley in WWII. Revealed in 2015 that her sister's photo was the inspiration for the iconic We Can Do It WWII Rosie poster
One of the last survivors of The Tri-State Tornado (Missouri, Illinois, Indiana), the deadliest tornado in American history that occurred on March 18, 1925
On Nov. 22 1963, Patsy Paschall filmed from the third floor tower of the courthouse on Houston Street. Her film depicts the JFK motorcade going by underneath, as well as other views after the assassination
Former radio newsman, known for his coverage of the Kennedy assassination & forever known as reported, 'Something has happened in the Motorcade'. His career in radio news he reported for KBOX, KLIF, and later became news director at KVIL
Member of the Little Rock Nine; group of African-American students who enrolled in all-white Little Rock Central High School in 1957. Awarded Congressional Gold Medal in 1999
WW2/B-17 'Miss Carriage' bombardier/306th BG/POW Stalag Luft 3 Sagan Silesia Bavaria Move/forced to march 300 miles and held for a year at the Nazi prison Stalag Luff 7 until liberated by troops under Gen. George Patton's in April 1945
Member of The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)a work relief program for young men from unemployed families, started on 03/21/1933, by Pres. F.D.R. As part of Roosevelt's New Deal legislation, designed to combat unemployment during the Great Depression
Capt.Texas Rangers/Worked cases involving Billie Sol Estes, Maceo broth gambling syndicate in Galveston, La Grange Chicken Ranch/Appointed Special Texas Ranger by Governor Miriam 'Ma' Ferguson to police state's 4 horse racing tracks
One of the first girls to play Little League; triggered historic court case opening up Little League to girls in 1974; featured in 2020 Topps Allen & Ginter set
Transgender drag queen, singer, actress; first drag queen to compete on RuPaul's Drag Race as an openly trans woman; first woman who openly identifies as trans to originate a principal role on Broadway in 2018's Head Over Heels
2004 found Oswald's ring in Fort Worth Law Office/Provided research materials to numerous authors including John McAdams for JFK Assassination Logic, Hugh Aynesworth for JFK Breaking the News and Vincent Bugliosi for Reclaiming History
As a 15-year-old girl in post-war Britain Dorothy Peters (Born: 1931) joined newly-formed Land Rover to work on the very first off-roaders to be built. She is now 87 and lives in the UK
Wife of George Mendonsa; woman in the background of Victor Jorgensen's famous photo of the sailor kissing a nurse on VJ Day in Times Square 1945, also visible in Alfred Eisenstadt's version of the photo that appeared in Life Magazine
Filmed Lee Harvey Oswalds murder, the Parkland and Love Field scenes, and the Ruby murder trial/Co-author 'When the News Went Live: Dallas, 1963' a book about events surrounding the JFK John F. Kennedy Assassination
First responding Police Officer to Rosa Parks' bus arrest in 1955, born 1926. A motorcycle cop who was blocks away when the call came in, he knew he could get there quicker than the police car could. He arrived first, and helped in taking Parks off the bu
Pierce was the Dallas Police Lieutenant who was mentioned by Jack Ruby during his deathbed interview as being the Dallas Police officer he passed in his patrol car as he entered the ramp and, only seconds later, killed Lee Harvey Oswald
Pan Am stewardess aboard the White House press plane in the early 1960s and had met President Kennedy several times. She was at Dallas Love Field at the time of the assassination
JFK - FBI agent, Dallas 1963; major part in the local assassination investigation: linked Oswald to the rifle used to kill President Kennedy as he tracked the weapon to a Chicago company that sold it to Oswald under the alias Alek Hidell
WW2 /From Monmouth in Gwent, was a Foreign Office civilian & member of legendary Dilly?s Girls, a group of young women who worked alongside the great Bletchley Codebreaker Dilly Knox breaking Italian & German secret service Enigma messages
Jamaican centenarian, born 1916. Saw Marcus Garvey in 1928; one of the last living 'Garveyite' followers. In 2023, became the oldest living Jamaican, and the longest living Jamaican man ever
One of the oldest people in the UK. Born: 1905. During WW1, she remembers German Zeppelin airships flying over London, during one of the first ever air bombing raids. She lives in Bristol, UK
A member of the Dallas Police Department on Nov. 22/63 and on Radio Car Duty , he went first to the TSBD and then to the location of the Tippet shooting
Lawyer, born 1928. Served as Supreme Court law clerk to Chief Justices Vinson and Warren. Wrote the final draft of the iconic Brown v. Board of Education case decision that the justices then unanimously voted for. Later, an attorney in the U.S. Department
Granddaughter of General Dmitriy Fedorovich Polyakov 'crown jewel' of US counterintelligence efforts & who for decades during Cold War had clandestinely worked to help western countries fight the Soviet system/Betrayed by Aldrich Ames
Brunhilde Pomsel (born 11 January 1911) was a personal secretary to Joseph Goebbels. She worked for Goebbels from 1942 onwards, and is one of the last surviving eyewitnesses of the Nazi power apparatus. After the war, she was sentenced by the Soviets to 5
Author - Journalist - Media Commentator - Former Ministry of Defense lead UFO Investigator - frequent guest on History Channel's Ancient Aliens - NASA's Unexplained Files - Open Skies, Closed Minds, The Uninvited, Operation Thunder Child and more
Holocaust/Polish/1942 arrested by Gestapo on suspicion of distributing anti-Nazi leaflets/Survived Auschwitz& Birkenau concentration camps/Author of many including 1959 radio play The Passenger in Cabin 45 which was adapted into 1962 novel
WW2/served at the end of WWII in occuped Japan. On V-J Day, his ship was in the process of crossing the international dateline, and his witnessed historic celebrations among his fellow sailors
(August 17, 1929 - August 1, 1977) was an American pilot whose Central Intelligence Agency U-2 spy plane was shot down while flying a reconnaissance mission over Soviet Union airspace, causing the 1960 U-2 incident
US Navy WAVE of WWII, born 1923. Began wartime service as a 'Rosie' in an ammunitions depot, 1942. Joined the Navy, served 1943-1945. Trained as an airplane mechanic, but due to biases against women, was given bookkeeper/supply work to do
A student at Cistercian Preparatory School in Dallas in '63 , he received parental permission to attend Pres. Kennedy's motorcade and kept the original permission slip which he donated to the Sixth floor Museum
American Senior Research Scholar of Economics at Swarthmore College, widely known for his role in a noted Cold War Spy swap depicted in Steven Spielberg's 2015 film 'Bridge of Spies'
US WWII Army vet, born 1921. Boy immigrant from Italy through Ellis Island in 1927 with his family. Survived Japanese torpedo attack on his convoy on route to Luzon in WWII
Witness to the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial in Tennessee (1912-2007). Sat front row to the outdoor final arguments by Darrow and Jennings, as well as an indoor spectator at times. One of the last living witnesses, she was interviewed for many outlets
JFK - DFL activist who planned Kennedy's campaign trips to Minnesota in 1960 and traveled with him. 'Political' advance man for Dallas, working with Agent Lawson. Rode in the 'pilot car' in Dallas a couple of blocks ahead of the motorcade