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  1. nobel peace laureat 2000
  2. (born 9 July 1917), a Polish orphan from the town of Otwock, was awarded the title of Righteous among the Nations by Yad Vashem in 1998, for saving the lives of Polish Jews during the Holocaust
  3. CEO of the 2016 and 2008 Democratic National Convention Committees, and the chief of staff to Howard Dean, the former chairman of the DNC. Former Acting Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management at the US Department of Labor
  4. 60's political activist educator
  5. Civil Rights Movement/Freedom Rider/Veteran of state's sit-in movement to end lunch counter segregation/Attempted to use white restrooms, were arrested for disorderly conduct & sentenced within the hour to a $200 fine & 60-day jail term
  6. One of the famous'Chicago 7' war protesters
  7. Israeli activist and fashion designer. Ex wife of Moshe Dayan
  8. 2024 PSL nominee for President of the United States
  9. Tuskegee Airmen
  10. Founder of Blue Lives Matter
  11. US Politician, Maryland (1822-82) Medical doctor, then into politics as a Whig, then a Democrat. Senator, 1877-79. Gave stirring speech to re-open investigation of controversial R.B. Hayes election, but unsuccessful
  12. American billionaire, businesswoman, philanthropist from Michigan. Secretary of Education in Donald Trump's Administration
  13. 2022 Green party candidate for Governor of Illinois, also has ran for Belleville, IL mayor
  14. Artist and social activist, born 1969. Wrongfully convicted of murder after a trial with no evidence or motive, exonerated after serving 27 years. Acclaimed for his golf course artworks
  15. Anti Vietnam war activist in the 1960's was on the FBI's 10 most wanted list 1970 Member of the Weather Underground-attorney-wife of Bill Ayers
  16. American former civil rights activist. She was president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) chapter in Spokane, having resigned when it was revealed that she was Caucasian, not African-American
  17. Talk Show Host, Political Activist, Husband of Actress Marlo Thomas
  18. North Korean defector living in South Korea, the only person known to have successfully escaped from a 'total-control zone' grade internment camp in North Korea
  19. Actress Ashley Judd recited a poem by a Franklin teen Saturday at the Women's March on Washington./Nina wrote the poem 'Nasty Woman'
  20. (born 10 April 1918) is an Indian activist and journalist. He turned 100 in April 2018
  21. Alfred Dregger (December 10, 1920 - June 29, 2002) was a German politician of the Cdu. He was mayor of Fulda from 1956 to 1970 and chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group from 1982 to 1991
  22. Canadian feminist & peace activist.Born: 10/31/1908
  23. Co-Founder Of The DemCoalittion, has been featured on MSNBC