Jackie Collins
(Writer and Actress: Poor Little Bitch Girl, Drop Dead Beautiful, The Stud, The Love Killers, Hollywood Wives, The Bitch, Lady Boss, L.A.Connections // Sister of actress Joan Collins)
Born: October 4th, 1937 in Hampstead  /  Died:   Sep 19th, 2015
Films: Paris Connections (2010) | Hollywood Wives: The New Generation (2003) | Lucky/Chances (1990) | The Bitch (1979) | Yesterday's Hero (1979) | The Stud (1978) | During One Night (1960) |
listed in the following categories:
Authors & Writers->Author/Journalist
This celebrity is deceased.

(Date: Sep 19th, 2015)

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Type: Success
Sent: 2014/07/09 - Rcvd: 2014/07/21 (12 Days)
Comment: "I used the form on her website. I recieved a small color pic signed with a letter."

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