Portia de Rossi
(Actress: Sirens, Woman in the Moon, Scream 2, Girl, The Invisibles, Stigmata, Women on Film, Ally McBeal, 2 Girls From Lemoore, I Witness, Wes Craven's Cursed, Arrested Development, Dead & Breakfast, Scandal)
Born: January 31st, 1973 in Horsham (Age 51)
Films: Unity (2014) | Mockingbird Lane (2012) | Dead & Breakfast (2004) | Cursed (2004) | America's Prince: The John F. Kennedy Jr. Story (2003) | I Witness (2003) | The Night We Called It a Day (2003) | The Glow (2002) |
TV:Arrested Development | Nick Freno: Licensed Teacher | Ally McBeal | Mockingbird Lane | Too Something | Ally | Better Off Ted |
listed in the following categories:
Performing Arts->Actor/Actress
Authors & Writers->Author/Journalist
Result Details
StarTiger Members:
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Type: Success
Sent: 2001/08/25 - Rcvd: 2001/10/29 (65 Days)
Comment: "Received 5x7 color pre-print and letter from fanclub stating she receives too much mail to respond personally."

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