Catherine Bach
(Actress - The Dukes of Hazzard (as Daisy Duke), Cannonball Run 2, Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, Hustle, Masters of Menace, Street Justice, Driving Force, Criminal Act, Rage and Honor, Crazed, Murder in Peyton Place, African Skies. Playboy - March 1980)
Born: March 1st, 1954 in Warren (Age 70)
Films: You Again (2010) | The Dukes of Hazzard: Hazzard in Hollywood! (2000) | The Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion! (1997) | The Nutt House (1992) | Rage and Honor (1992) | Masters of Menace (1990) | Driving Force (1989) |
TV:The Dukes of Hazzard | African Skies | The Dukes |
listed in the following categories:
Performing Arts->Actor/Actress
Adult Entertainment->Playboy

In-Person Autograph
Authentic (In-Person)
Result Details
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Type: Success
Sent: 2004/05/01 - Rcvd: 2004/05/01 (0 Days)
Comment: "Hollywood Collectors & Celebrity Show in Chicago, met Catherine Bach, purchased a 'Daisy' photo which she inscribed to me and she posed with me for a picture. Huge success!!!"

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