Robert Redford
(Actor/Director - Barefoot in the Park, Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid, The Way We Were, The Sting, Legal Eagles, The Horse Whisperer, Indecent Proposal, Sneakers, Out of Africa, The Natural, Brubaker, The Electric Horseman, All The Presidents Men)
Born: August 18th, 1936 in Santa Monica (Age 87)
Films: Be Natural: The Untold Story of Alice Guy-Blaché (2021) | Untitled Avengers Movie (2019) | The Mustang (2019) | Jane Fonda in Five Acts (2018) | Truth (2016) | Pete's Dragon (2016) | The Discovery (2016) | Our Souls at Night (2016) |
TV:Whispering Smith | Rescue 8 | The Defenders | Alfred Hitchcock Hour | The Play of the Week | The Deputy | Breaking Point | Moment of Fear |
listed in the following categories:
Performing Arts->Actor/Actress
Performing Arts->Director/Producer
Performing Arts->Voice Actor/Actress

TTM Success
Probably Authentic

TTM Success
Probably Authentic
Result Details
StarTiger Members:
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Type: Success
Sent: 2005/01/25 - Rcvd: 2005/03/28 (62 Days)
Comment: "sent letter, SASE,and 2 photos---received them back signed, but not inscribed"

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