Andrew McCarthy
(Actor - st. elmo's fire (1985), pretty in pink (1986), mannequin (1987), less than zero (1987), weekend at bernie's (1989))
Born: November 29th, 1962 in New York City (Age 61)
Films: Snatched (2011) | The Brooklyn Brothers Beat the Best (2011) | Main Street (2010) | Camp Hell (2010) | The National Tree (2009) | The Good Guy (2009) | The Spiderwick Chronicles (2008) | The Virgin Queen (2005) |
TV:Lipstick Jungle | The Way | Lily | Amazing Stories | Kingdom Hospital |
listed in the following categories:
Performing Arts->Actor/Actress
Authors & Writers->Author/Journalist

TTM Success
Probably Authentic

TTM Success
Probably Authentic

TTM Success
Probably Authentic

TTM Success
Probably Authentic

TTM Success
Probably Authentic
Result Details
StarTiger Members:
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Type: Success
Sent: 2005/01/26 - Rcvd: 2005/02/03 (8 Days)
Comment: "OH MY GOSH! What a great success from a really generous man! I got all three of my pictures back signed, both index cards signed and my St. Elmo's Fire DVD insert signed in silver. I'm so happy with this one of my favorites!"

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