Lauren Bacall
(Actress - The Big Sleep, To Have & Have Not, Key Largo, Dark Passage, Confidential Agent, How To Marry A Millionaire, Blood Alley, Designing Woman, Written On The Wind, Shock Treatment, Harper, The Shootist, The Fan, Misery. Married to Humphrey Bogart)
Born: September 16th, 1924 in The Bronx as Betty Joan Perske  /  Died:   Aug 12th, 2014 - massive stroke, aged 89
Films: Beautiful Like a Poem (2020) | Trumbo (2016) | Ernest & Celestine (2012) | The Forger (2012) | Reagan (2011) | Wide Blue Yonder (2010) | Scooby-Doo! and the Goblin King (2008) | Eve (2008) | The Walker (2007) |
TV:DuPont Show of the Week | Screen One | Producers' Showcase |
listed in the following categories:
Performing Arts->Actor/Actress
Authors & Writers->Author/Journalist

In-Person Autograph
Authentic (In-Person)
This celebrity is deceased.

(Date: Aug 12th, 2014 - massive stroke, aged 89)

Result Details
StarTiger Members:
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Type: Success
Sent: 2005/03/23 - Rcvd: 2005/03/23 (0 Days)
Comment: "Went to a book signing and received her autograph. She was only signing her current and past books, nothing else. I tried to get my Hollywood Walk of Fame card signed but she refused. Second time I have been shot down from her trying to get this card signed!"

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