Luzia Braun
(German Female TV Presenter And Journalist - TV Show - 'Aspekte' (ZDF Channel))
Born: April 18th, 1954 (Age 70)
listed in the following categories:
Performing Arts->Presenter/Host (TV)
Performing Arts->Director/Producer

Received as a gift
Probably Authentic

Received as a gift
Probably Authentic

Received as a gift
Probably Authentic
Result Details
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Type: Success
Sent: 2010/10/07 - Rcvd: 2010/10/07 (0 Days)
Comment: "Frankfurt Bookfair 2010: she was presenting at the 'blue sofa'. Like the years before the ZDF was giving out autographs of Luzia Braun; they were just lying there for pickup at the ZDF booth. I picked up a few for comparism purposes."

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