Dustin Hoffman
(Oscar Winning Actor: Kramer vs.Kramer, Rainman, Midnight Cowboy, Lenny, Wag The Dog, Marathon Man, All The President's Men, The Graduate, Little Big Man, Tootsie, Meet The Fockers, Outbreak, Dick Tracy, stranger than fiction Racing Stripes, Runaway Jury,)
Born: August 8th, 1937 in Los Angeles (Age 86)
Films: The Song of Names (2019) | Into the Labyrinth (2018) | The Meyerowitz Stories (2017) | Chef (2014) | The Cobbler (2014) | Boychoir (2014) | Quartet (2012) | Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) | Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Masters (2011) |
TV:Luck | ABC Stage 67 | Premiere | Naked City | Liberty's Kids | The Defenders | Curb Your Enthusiasm | The Defenders | Naked City | The Nurses |
listed in the following categories:
Performing Arts->Actor/Actress

In-Person Autograph
Authentic (In-Person)

Place: Filming Location: Chef
Result Details
StarTiger Members:
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Type: Success
Sent: 2013/07/22 - Rcvd: 2013/07/22 (0 Days)
Comment: "Signed a blank... We weren't aware he was in the production. I told him how much his work meant to me and he patted me on the back. Probably the most meaningful encounter with a celebrity."

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