Will Smith
(Singer/Actor-Independence Day,Fresh Prince of Bel Air,Made in America,6 Degrees of Separation,Bad Boys 1-2,Men in Black 1-2,Enemy of the State,Ali,Wild Wild West,I Robot,Shark Take,Hitch,Legend of Bagger Vance,I am Legend,Hancock)
Born: September 25th, 1968 in Philadelphia (Age 55) as Willard Carroll Smith, Jr.
Films: King Richard (2021) | Emancipation (2021) | Aladdin (2019) | Life in a Year (2019) | Collateral Beauty (2017) | Suicide Squad (2016) | Bright (2016) | Concussion (2016) | Focus (2015) | Winter's Tale (2014) | Annie (2014) |
TV:Saturday Morning Videos | The Perfect Date - \"ABC Afterschool Specials\" | Rockin' Through the Decades | The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air |
listed in the following categories:
Performing Arts->Actor/Actress

Probably Authentic

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