Dule Hill
(American actor and tap dancer, known for his roles on 'The West Wing' (for which he received an Emmy nomination), and on 'Psych'. He has also appeared in the movies 'The Guardian', 'Holes', 'She's All That', and recurring roles on 'Ballers' and 'Suits')
Born: May 3rd, 1975 in East Brunswick (Age 49)
Films: Locked Down (2021) | Hypnotic (2021) | Miss Dial (2013) | Gayby (2012) | Remarkable Power (2008) | Whisper (2007) | The Guardian (2006) | Sexual Life (2005) | Edmond (2005) | 10.5 (2004) | Holes (2003) | Men of Honor (2000) |
TV:The West Wing | CityKids | Psych |
listed in the following categories:
Performing Arts->Actor/Actress

TTM Success
Probably Authentic

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