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  1. British born rocket scientist who worked on the construction of The Black Knight Rocket, the United Kingdom's first rocketry project after WW2. Lives on the Isle of Wight or in the UK
  2. Descendant of Isambard Kingdom Brunel, the famous English civil engineer who built the first major British railway, the Great Western Railway. He lives near Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK
  3. Ted King  (3)
    WWII ship Reuben James survivor
  4. army general
  5. WWII - Iwo Jima, 5th Marine Division, Headquarters Company; radio operator working with the Navajo Code Talkers. Later occupation duty in Japan
  6. WWII: Survivor of the sinking of the HMS Repulse on 10 December 1941 off Malaya when also HMS Prince of Wales was sunk, an event in the war that often is named 'Britain's Pearl Harbor'
  7. WWII: US Navy, carrier pilot. Survived the sinking of the USS Bismarck Sea in the Battle of Iwo Jima
  8. American Photojournalist, born 1939. Pulitzer for his 1966 photo of James Meredith being shot. Based in Mississippi, he covered many historic civil rights moments, including the Mississippi Burning murders, Selma, and Martin Luther King's funeral
  9. Descendant of Isambard Kingdom Brunel, the famous British civil engineer who built bridges and dockyards. He is a direct descendant of Brunel and president of The Brunel Museum
  10. WW2 Iwo Jima Marine/Combat engineer, had the job of sneaking up and hurling satchels loaded with explosives into Japanese machine-gun nests and caves/Witness Iwo Jima flag raising
  11. WWII: US Navy. Survived the sinking of the USS Bismarck Sea in the Battle of Iwo Jima
  12. WWII: PTO. USS Enterprise (CV-6), USS Colhoun (DD-801). Battle of The Coral Sea, Battle of Midway, Doolittle Raid, Battle of Iwo Jima, Battle of Okinawa (survived the sinking by Kamikaze of the USS Colhoun)
  13. WWII: Survived the sinking of the USS Reuben James on October 31, 1941. Last known survivor of the disaster
  14. WWII: US Navy. Survied the sinking of the USS Bismarck Sea in the Battle of Iwo Jima
  15. Survivor of the sinking of the USS Indianapolis;
  16. WWII: D-Day, USS Augusta. Met and talked to King George VI during inspection
  17. Owner of a restaurant (Jim's Grill) near the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated.
  18. Vietnam infantry platoon leader in the legendary 173d Airborne Brigade, military theorist who has helped shape the post-Cold War army?s thinking, author of Platoon Leader, The Defense of Hill 781, and The Limits of Glory
  19. American politician, business executive, & dignitary who served as head of the Democratic National Committee & as Postmaster General. Farley known as political 'kingmaker', & was responsible for FDR's rise to presidency
  20. Professor of Biomedical Sciences. Awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, for his work on vesicle trafficking (shared with Randy Schekman and Thomas C. Südhof)
  21. James Black  (3)
    Scottish Nobel laureate who pioneered the rational design of drugs and, in the process, developed the first widely used drugs for treating heart disease and blocking stomach acid production
  22. US WWII veteran, born 1926. Survivor of the USS Bismarck Sea's sinking at Iwo Jima
  23. NASA pilot - X-59 Quiet Supersonic Technology (QueSST) aircraft, F-15, F-18, T-34 and King Air, as well as the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA)
  24. WWII - D-Day, Pointe-du-Hoc. 2nd Ranger Battalion. Scaled a 100-foot cliff while taking constant fire from German troops to take out six 155mm guns at Pointe-du-Hoc
  25. 13th US V. President (1786-53). Rumored gay partner of future Pres. James Buchanan. US Congressman/Senator. 45 days as Pierce's V.Pres. then died of tuberculosis. Only inauguration oath ever given on foreign soil, in Cuba for TB treatment
  26. WWII veteran, born 1925, served on the USS Bismarck Sea. Supported the Iwo Jima campaign, and survived the ship's sinking there by the Japanese
  27. WWII: US Navy. Survied the sinking of the USS Bismarck Sea in the Battle of Iwo Jima
  28. American criminal convicted of the assassination of civil rights and anti-war activist Martin Luther King, Jr
  29. WWII - LtGen Snowden (Fox Company, 2nd Bn, 23rd Marines, company commander) is the senior and highest-ranking surviving veteran of the Battle of Iwo Jima (Purple Heart); also in the battles at Saipan and Tinian; WWII, Korea, Vietnam
  30. Retired United States Air Force veteran, video game artist and game programmer. Sachs was the lead artist on the groundbreaking Amiga computer game Defender of the Crown from Cinemaware. He is also the author of the game Saucer Attack
  31. German-American biochemist. He is the co-awardee of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (with James Rothman and Randy Schekman) for work on vesicle trafficking.)
  32. WWII: US Navy. Survied the sinking of the USS Bismarck Sea in the Battle of Iwo Jima
  33. Witness to JFK assassination from 7th floor of a building 2 blocks away, while working in a Navy recruiting station
  34. WW2 Iwo Jima Marine/Combat engineer, had the job of sneaking up and hurling satchels loaded with explosives into Japanese machine-gun nests and caves
  35. WWII: US Navy. Survied the sinking of the USS Bismarck Sea in the Iwo Jima campaign
  36. WWII: D-Day. Was in the Aviation Unit (Kingfisher reconnaissance plane) of the USS Arkansas. Also at Iwo Jima, A-bomb
  37. WWII: US Navy. Survied the sinking of the USS Bismarck Sea in the Battle of Iwo Jima

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