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Scott Secules
Former QB for Miami Dolphins
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General Information
Thomas Wescott "Scott" Secules is a former professional American football quarterback who played six seasons in the National Football League from 1988 to 1993 for the Dallas Cowboys, Miami Dolphins, and the New England Patriots. Secules was selected by the Dallas Cowboys in the sixth round of the 1988 NFL Draft and subsequently traded for a fifth round draft choice to the Miami Dolphins. He only started his senior season at the University of Virginia as he was the back-up to future All-Pro Don Majkowski, but managed to lead the Virginia Cavaliers to a winning season and a victory over Brigham Young University in the All-American Bowl, where he was named the game's Most Valuable Player. Secules was also named First Team All Atlantic Coast Conference in 1987. Secules spent most of his career as a back-up to Dan Marino. He may be best known for the nickname Scott "Won't You Let Me Take You on a" Secules given to him by ESPN broadcaster Chris Berman. The nickname was taken from the lyrics of the song "Sea Cruise" by Frankie Ford. Secules worked as the Senior Associate Athletic Director for External Affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University from November 2006 until October 2009. 
November 8th, 1964 in (Age 59)
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New Response (Success): I'm Catching Up On My Pile Of Mail Post Vacation, ..
New Response (Success): Received my 2 TCs back signed!!
New Scanned Autograph (TTM/Probably Authentic)
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