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Dorothy Delasin
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Dorothy Delasin is a Filipino-American professional golfer on the LPGA Tour. Delasin was born in Lubbock, Texas. She and grew up in San Francisco, California, where, as a student at Washington High, she won the boy's golf championship. She had dual American and Filipino citizenship but gave it up sometime before 1999. She had a strong amateur career, winning both the U.S. Girls' Junior, in 1996, and the U.S. Women's Amateur, in 1999. Delasin has four career LPGA titles including the 2001 Samsung World Championship. On January 20, 2008, Delasin and Jennifer Rosales of Team Philippines won the 4th Women's World Cup of Golf in Sun City, South Africa, with 4 birdies in the last 4 holes. The duo had a final round of 7-under-par 65 in the best ball, for a 54-hole aggregate of 18-under-par 198. Korea's Ji-Yai Shin and Eun Hee Ji were second on 200 after a final round 67, while Taiwan and Japan tied for third on 203. France's Gwladys Nocera and Virginie Lagoutte-Clement, were fifth on 205 following 67. 
August 26th, 1980 in Lubbock (Age 43)
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