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Tony Turner
Actor - Heartbeat, Holby City, Party Animals
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General Information
Anthony Turner was a noted English actor in the Caroline era. For most of his career he worked with Queen Henrietta's Men, one of the leading theatre companies of the time. Nothing is known of Turner's early life or the start of his career; by 1622 he was already a leading player with the Lady Elizabeth's Men. In 1625, Christopher Beeston formed a new company under the patronage of the new queen, Henrietta Maria; some members of the Lady Elizabeth's troupe, including Turner, joined the organization. Turner was a consistent presence in the known casts of the Queen Henrietta's company; he played ? Justice Landby in Shirley's The Wedding Old Lord Bruce in Davenport's King John and Matilda Bashaw Alcade in Part 2 of Heywood's The Fair Maid of the West Crates and two other minor parts in Nabbes's Hannibal and Scipio. Turner tended to play older men, like Justice Landby and Old Lord Bruce; yet he also took the role of a kitchen maid in Part 1 of Fair Maid ? one of the few cases in which a mature actor, rather than a boy player or young adult actor, is known to have played a female character. 
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