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Tavis Hansen
Retired NHL hockey player. Drafted by Winnipeg in 1994
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General Information
Tavis Svend Hansen is a retired professional ice hockey player. Hansen played 2 seasons of junior hockey for the Tacoma Rockets of the Western Hockey League. He was drafted in the 3rd round, 58th overall by the Winnipeg Jets in the 1994 NHL Entry Draft. Hansen made his NHL debut with the Jets after his second and final season in Tacoma. His NHL rights were transferred to Phoenix Coyotes when the franchise relocated in 1996 and he made his first appearance as a 'Yote in the 1996?1997 season. Hansen was, however, quickly returned to Springfield before being called up again in 1998?1999. He scored his first NHL goal, versus Calgary, in February 1999, during what would be a 20-game stint with the Coyotes that season. He also made his first NHL playoff appearance in 1998. In 1999?2000, Hansen was named captain of the Springfield Falcons and recorded career highs for points and penalty minutes while still managing to lend his skills to the Coyotes for five games. He returned in 2000?01 for seven games in Phoenix, playing 24 for the Falcons, alongside Danny Briere. 
June 17th, 1975 in Prince Albert (Age 49)
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New Response (Success): Purchased his 1995 Signature Rookie card. #3665/45..
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