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Philip J. Gardner
Ww 11 british army hero (vc)
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General Information
Philip John Gardner VC MC was an English recipient of the Victoria Cross, the highest and most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces. He was educated at Dulwich College between 1928 and 1932. Gardner was 26 years old, and an acting captain in the 4th Royal Tank Regiment, British Army during the Second World War when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC. On 23 November 1941 at Tobruk, Libya, Captain Gardner was ordered to take two tanks to the rescue of two armoured cars of the King's Dragoon Guards, which were out of action and under heavy attack. While one of his tanks gave covering fire the captain dismounted from the other in the face of heavy fire, hitched a tow rope to one of the cars, then lifted into it an officer, both of whose legs had been blown off. The tow rope broke, so Captain Gardner returned to the armoured car, but was immediately wounded in the neck, arm and leg. Despite this he managed to transfer the wounded man to the second tank and returned to British lines through intense shell-fire. 
December 25th, 1914 in Sydenham  /  Died:   Feb 15th, 2003
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Date: Feb 15th, 2003
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