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Rahul Gandhi
Indian politician-son of Sonia and Rajiv
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Rahul Gandhi; is the Vice-President of the Indian National Congress party and the Chairperson of the Indian Youth Congress and the National Students Union of India. Gandhi served as a general secretary in the All India Congress Committee and represents Amethi as its Member of Parliament. He is the second-highest ranked member of the Congress Working Committee. Gandhi comes from the politically influential Nehru?Gandhi family. His grandmother, Indira Gandhi and his father, Rajiv Gandhi are both former Prime Ministers of India. Both were assassinated; Indira in 1984 whilst in office as prime minister and Rajiv in 1991. Due to security concerns, Gandhi constantly had to shift schools in his youth. He studied abroad under a pseudonym, his identity being known only to a select few including university officials and security agencies. His mother, Sonia Gandhi is the current President of the INC. After obtaining degrees in international relations and development studies at the universities of Rollins and Cambridge, Gandhi worked at the Monitor Group, a management consulting firm in London, before establishing the Mumbai-based technology outsourcing firm, Backops Services Private Ltd. 
June 19th, 1970 in New Delhi (Age 54)
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