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Mary Quant
Fashion designer, created the mini-skirt
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Mary Quant OBE, FCSD, RDI is a fashion designer and British fashion icon. She became an instrumental figure in the 1960s London-based Mod and youth fashion movements. She was one of the designers who took credit for the miniskirt and hot pants, and by promoting these and other fun fashions she encouraged young people to dress to please themselves and to treat fashion as a game. Ernestine Carter, an authoritative and influential fashion journalist of the 1950s and '60s, wrote: "It is given to a fortunate few to be born at the right time, in the right place, with the right talents. In recent fashion there are three: Chanel, Dior, and Mary Quant." AGA==EarlAGEwas born in Blackheath, southeast London, on 11 February 1934, the daughter of Welsh teachers. Her parents, Jack and Mary Quant, were both from mining families. They had been awarded chool and had both attained first-class degrees at Cardiff University, before moving to London to work as schoolteachers. Quant went to Blackheath High School, then studied illustration at Goldsmiths College. 
February 11th, 1930 in Blackheath  /  Died:   Apr 13th, 2023
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This celebrity has passed away
Date: Apr 13th, 2023
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