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Colette Trudeau
In the band LiveonRelease
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General Information
Colette Marie Trudeau is a Canadian born M�tis singer/songwriter, who first shot to notoriety as a vocalist for the band LiveonRelease. LiveonRelease was the genesis of Colette Trudeau and Brittin Karroll who had decided to form an all female rock band at the age of 15. Colette used the Georgia Straight, an entertainment newspaper in Vancouver, to recruit the missing members. The band was formed in 1999 when they completed their gang of rocker chicks with Foxx Herst and Leah Emmott. After playing anywhere the band could, the band invited Vancouver rocker Bif Naked to an outdoor show. Bif Naked was so impressed that the group was soon signed to her label ?Her Royal Majesty Records?, distributed through Warner Music Canada. As lead singer, Colette co-wrote their hit single "I'm Afraid of Britney Spears" which appeared in the movie and soundtrack for "Dude, Where's My Car?? The band released 4 music videos on MuchMusic that received heavy rotation and released 2 full length albums in Canada and the U.S. With LiveonRelease, Colette was able to prove that she could run with the big boys or in better terms, rock with the big boys. 
June 17th, 1985 in Canada (Age 39)
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New Event: 2011/02/18 07:19 PM - Metis Employment and Skills Centre, Abbotsford,..
New Event: 2011/02/08 08:20 PM - Roxy in Vancouver, Vancouver, Canada
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