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Matt Ulrich
NFL - Indianapolis Colts 2006
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Matthew James Ulrich is an American football offensive guard free agent in the National Football League. Ulrich was named Northwestern University team captain in 2004 and earned All-Big Ten Honorable Mention. He was named National Strength and Conditioning All-American in 2004 and still holds many Northwestern weight room records including squat, bench press, and incline press. Ulrich graduated in 2000 from Streamwood High School, where he won All-State and All-Midwest honors in football and also competed in the shot put. Ulrich was also a three time Academic All-State in Illinois. Matt is retired from the NFL, and is the Co-Founder of Dexa Fit: Body Fat Testing and Metabolic Analysis and was Director of Operations/Sports Performance at Winning Edge Athletics in Chicago, IL. Currently, Matt Ulrich is a Director with Profitable Ideas Exchange where he leads a team that convenes and facilitates peer-to-peer interactions of Chief Procurement Officers, Supply Chain Executives, Chief Marketing Officers, Chief Tax Officers and Managing Partners on behalf of a variety of clients including Accenture, KPMG, and Slalom Consulting. 
December 30th, 1981 in Streamwood  /  Died:   Nov 7th, 2023 - aged 41
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This celebrity has passed away
Date: Nov 7th, 2023 - aged 41
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