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StarTiger - Browsing Category Home->Performing Arts->Screenwriter/Playwright , A-Z Filter: F
Browsing Category Home->Performing Arts->Screenwriter/Playwright , A-Z Filter: F
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  1. Screenwriter/Director
  2. Writer/Screenwriter
  3. Screenwriter
  4. Playwright
  5. Director/Screenwriter
  6. Creator/Writer - 'Glee'
  7. Screenwriter-Charmed,Sleepy Hollow
  8. Director
  9. Screenwriter
  10. Screenwriter
  11. Screenwriter
  12. Chris Fallon  (2)
  13. Joe Fallon  (2)
    Children's animation writer - curious george & arthur
  14. Actor: 'Lbs'WriterDirector
  15. Tv writer - the golden girls
  16. Actor (Black Saddle, Parrish, many TV guest-star roles) Screenwriter (Blade Runner). Director. Former husband of actress Sue 'Lolita' Lyon (1963-1965)
  17. Actor
  18. Actress
  19. Director/Screenwriter
  20. Screenwriter/Director
  21. Native Iranian screenwriter and film director. At the 61st Berlin International Film Festival which finally earned him Golden Bear for best film
  22. Playwright
  23. Author/Playwright
  24. Screenwriter & Actor: Jason X, My Bloody Valentine, Drive Angry, The Messengers 1 & 2, Heavenly Sword, The Monkey's Paw
  25. Tv writer - Married with children, moesha, The Proud Family
  26. Screenwriter/Playwright
  27. Film/TV Writer - MI-5
  28. Actor - Heartbeat, The Bill
  29. Screenwriter/Dramatist
  30. Screenwriter / Director / Producer: Halloween 6, The Tooth Fairy, The Girl Next Door, The Trouble with the Truth, Havenhurst, Amityville The Awakening
  31. Screenwriter/Playwright
  32. author
  33. Director
  34. Screenwriter
  35. British Actor: Connach in TV's Boudica & Chris Conoby in TV's Casualty Episode: Passions and Convictions
  36. Actor
  37. Actress
  38. Screenwriter/Director
  39. Screenwriter & Director: Ginger Snaps, The Boys Club, The Dark, Lost Girl, Orphan Black
  40. Screenwriter
  41. Creator of 'Kevin Probably Saves The World'
  42. Screenwriter
  43. Screenwriter
  44. Writer/Producer of CHUCK
  45. German Comedian and Singer(Die Wanne ist voll)born 1930.'Plattenkueche','The Buddenbrocks','Lola','Sunshine Reggae auf Ibiza','Pumuckl','Ach Du Dickes Ei','Helga und die Nordlichter','Abramakabra'
  46. Screenwriter-High School Musical:The Series
  47. Playwright
  48. Director - most known for his film 'HELL' (2011)
  49. Screenwriter/Director
  50. A Dead Calling, Ed Gein The Butcher of Plainfield
  51. Creator/Writer/Supervising Producer - Raising The Bar
  52. Broadway collaborator, Author (The Threepenny Opera)
  53. Director
  54. Actor turned playwright. Actor: Mask, Midnight Run, Naked Gun 33 1/3, Bruce Almighty, Remington Steele, The Golden Girls
  55. Screenwriter & Director: Real Men, Virus, Species
  56. Screenwriter
  57. Screenwriter: SAW 4
  58. American television writer, screenwriter, and television personality
  59. Author
  60. Screenwriter & Director: Alien 3, The Hunt for Red October, Highlander, Beyond the Law
  61. voice of Mac in Chicken Run
  62. Actor/writer
  63. Voice Actor-Original Voice of Speed Racer and Racer X on the 1960's Speed Racer Cartoon
  64. French director
  65. Screenwriter-Ant Man & The Wasp
  66. French humorist
  67. Screenwriter-Amy And The Orphans
  68. Actor
  69. Screenwriter/Director
  70. Abel Ferry  (2)
  71. Director
  72. Screenwriter
  73. Screenwriter/Director
  74. Screenwriter
  75. Screenwriter & Director: Bad Santa, Cats & Dogs, Bad News Bears, I Love You Phillip Morris, Crazy Stupid Love, Focus, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
  76. Actor
  77. Screenwriter
  78. Screenwriter
  79. Writer & Director: Leaving Las Vegas, Timecode, One Night Stand, Internal Affairs, Stormy Monday, Cold Creek Manor
  80. Screenwriter
  81. Director/Screenwriter
  82. Actress
  83. Screenwriter/Playwright
  84. Playwright
  85. Film/TV Writer - Coronation Street
  86. Screenwriter
  87. Screenwriter
  88. Author, Writer -High Crimes-The Zero Hour-Killer Instinct-
  89. Screenwriter: Dirty Harry, Big Jake, Cahill U.S. Marshal
  90. Screenwriter & Producer: Brooklyn South, LA Law, Law & Order, NYPD Blue, Murder One, Cop Rock
  91. Screenwriter/Director
  92. Broadway composer/lyricist
  93. Film/TV Writer - Dead Ringers
  94. Screenwriter
  95. Created Childrens Tv Classics such as Bagpuss & The Clangers
  96. Director
  97. Screenwriter/Dramatist
  98. Playwright
  99. Writer/Screenwriter
  100. German Actress - Lindenstrasse
  101. TV Writer: Marcus Welby, M.D. Baretta, Columbo etc
  102. Actor, director and writer: Westworld, C'est La Vie, 1923, Beau Is Afraid,
  103. Chris Fisher  (2)
    Writer & Director: Nightstalker, Dirty, Rampage-The Hillside Strangler Murders, S. Darko, Street Kings 2, Meeting Evil, The Stand // TV: Cold Case, Warehouse 13, Person of Interest, The Magicians, The Equalizer, Star Trek-Strange New Worlds, Chuck s01e11
  104. David Fisher  (4)
    Scriptwriter: Doctor Who, Hammer House of Horror
  105. Playwright
  106. Screenwriter
  107. Screenwriter & Producer
  108. Screenwriter/Director
  109. Screenwriter - A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, Transparent
  110. Actor, Playwright - Every Christmas Story Ever Told (And Then Some!)
  111. Playwright
  112. Actor & Writer, 'Buried', 'Peep Show' 'Phoenix Nights'
  113. Writer/Director
  114. Playwright
  115. Actor
  116. Screenwriter & Director: Clifford, Who's Harry Crumb?, 18 Again!
  117. Screenwriter
  118. Screenwriter - Burning Time, Ship to Shore (TV series), Bush Patrol (TV series)
  119. Writer, born: 06th March 1933, active 80th to 00th, e.g. series Dream Chasers, A time for life
  120. Screenwriter
  121. German playwright and screenwriter. Born: 01/09/1920
  122. Actress
  123. Children's Author
  124. Playwright
  125. Playwright
  126. Playwright
  127. Lost writer
  128. Children's Book Author
  129. Award-winning screenwriter of Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire
  130. Screenwriter/Dramatist
  131. Film/TV Writer
  132. Playwright
  133. Playwright
  134. Actor/Playwright For Jewtopia (Off-Broadway Play), Icarus
  135. Animation writer
  136. Tv writer - Married with children
  137. Screenwriter
  138. Playwright
  139. Screenwriter
  140. Screenwriter/Director
  141. Screenwriter
  142. Writer and script supervisor on Star Trek (TOS)
  143. writer-prod. (homicide, life on the street oz)
  144. Screenwriter/Director
  145. belgian director, actor and producer
  146. Animation storyboard artist
  147. Screenwriter
  148. Playwright
  149. '1918' 'Law and Order' daughter of Playwright Horton Foote
  150. author (trip to bountiful)screenwriter (tender mercies) & (To Kill a Mockingbird)
  151. Writer/Director
  152. Screenwriter
  153. Screenwriter
  154. Film Director born in 1894. Directed films like Drums Along the Mohawk, Fort Apache, 3 Godfathers, She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, Rio Grande, The Battle of Midway, The Fugitive, etc
  155. Katie Ford  (2)
    Writer & Producer
  156. Actor and writer
  157. Writer / Director / Actor: The Fear, Alien Force, Witchcraft XI, Deadly Tales, Camp Utopia, Bikini Frankenstein
  158. Screenwriter
  159. Screenwriter:Gordita Chronicles,Selena The Series
  160. French director
  161. Screenwriter
  162. Playwright
  163. Film Director - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Hair, Ragtime, Amadeus, Valmont, The People Vs. Larry Flynt, The Man On The Moon, Goya's Ghost
  164. Director
  165. Screenwriter
  166. Writer on The Office
  167. movie director
  168. tv writer
  169. Playwright
  170. Screenwriter/Dramatist
  171. Playwright
  172. Screenwriter/Director
  173. Screenwriter
  174. Screenwriter
  175. Playwright
  176. Playwright
  177. Screenwriter
  178. Screenwriter
  179. Playwright
  180. David Fox  (2)
    Screenwriter - The Tribe (Series & Movie)
  181. Screenwriter
  182. Screenwriter
  183. Playwright
  184. Screenwriter
  185. Screenwriter
  186. Screenwriter
  187. screenwriter
  188. Screenwriter
  189. Director
  190. Screenwriter
  191. Screenwriter, Minority Report (2002), Logan
  192. Film/TV Writer
  193. Screenwriter Wrote Hud & Norma Rae
  194. Director
  195. Screenwriter & Producer
  196. Writer & Director
  197. U.S. Senator from Minnesota (2009-17); Former Saturday Night Live performer & writer; Author & political pundit
  198. Playwright
  199. Creator - Psych
  200. Director
  201. Writer/Screenwriter
  202. Screenwriter: Gladiator and Amistad
  203. Screenwriter/Playwright
  204. Screenwriter
  205. Playwright
  206. Actor
  207. Film/TV Writer - Clockwise
  208. Director
  209. Screenwriter
  210. Playwright novelist director producer teacher activist
  211. Screenwriter
  212. Writer & Director
  213. Playwright
  214. Screenwriter
  215. Author/Playwright
  216. Film/TV Writer
  217. Screenwriter
  218. Playwright
  219. Screenwriter & Director: American Psycho 2, Hurricane Streets, Desert Blue
  220. Screenwriter & Producer: Dark Justice, Freddy's Nightmares
  221. Screenwriter
  222. Playwright
  223. Playwright
  224. Playwright
  225. Sci-Fi screenwriter, Tarantula, The Alligator People, The Monolith Monsters
  226. Screenwriter
  227. Writer and Director
  228. Playwright
  229. Master at dark writing/'Steambath'
  230. Producer/Writer: Blood Feast, Two Thousand Maniacs, Color Me Blood Red, Trader Hornee, Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS, Blood Feast 2
  231. Screenwriter,-War of the Worlds, The Black Dahlia
  232. Screenwriter & Director
  233. Screenwriter BASEketball
  234. Playwright, composed music and lyrics for The Civilians' Canard, Canard, Goose?, Gone Missing, and [I am] Nobody's Lunch
  235. TV Writer/Producer/Actor, teaches T.V. Writing course at Chapman University
  236. Former Chairman of the New York Federal Reserve Board. Member of President Ford & Obama's Intelligence Advisory Board (2005-09) and the Fifth Director of the National Economic Council. Father of screenwriter David Benioff
  237. Irish playwright - Dancing at Lughnasa
  238. Animation writer
  239. Screenwriter/Producer for The Simpsons
  240. Screenwriter
  241. Screenwriter & Director: Return to Horror High
  242. Writer & Producer: The Incredible Hulk, Magnum PI, V - The Final Battle, Alien Nation, Northern Exposure, The Chris Isaak Show, The Sopranos, Easy Money, Boardwalk Empire, Bosch, Chicago Med
  243. Writer/Screenwriter
  244. Director
  245. Screenwriter
  246. American producer, director and writer, was also the first 'Pie-In-The-Face-Zombie' in ''Dawn of the Dead'' (1978)
  247. English Playwrite
  248. Actor
  249. belgian director, writer, producer and editor.
  250. Screenwriter
  251. Screenwriter
  252. Screenwriter
  253. Director
  254. Writer/Creator of Dead Like Me and Wonderfalls
  255. playwrite (a soldier's play) pul.prize 82
  256. Screenwriter=Quarry,Locke & Key
  257. TV Writer/Producer, ABC News/Sports staff director, born 1943. ABC News intern in the NYC newsroom when the Kennedy Assassination broke
  258. Comedian, actor and writer
  259. actor/playwright
  260. writer - Buffy, Angel; guest starred as the 'Mustard Man' in the Buffy musical
  261. Screenwriter & Producer: Young Guns 1 & 2, Hidalgo, Crossroads, Thunderheart, The Babe, Loch Ness, The Forbidden Kingdom, Marco Polo, The Shack
  262. Puppeteer, voice and creator of ALF (TV Series, 1986-90)
  263. Director
  264. 'The Birdcage', 'Enough', 'Judging Amy', 'Related', wrote the Oscar-nominated screenplay 'Capote'
  265. Screenwriter