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Eric Lindell
  • General Info
General Information
Eric Lindell is an American singer-songwriter, who came to national prominence after relocating to New Orleans in 1999. His recording career began in 1996 as a local/regional New Orleans-based artist. Beginning in 2006, when he was picked up by Alligator Records, he has toured nationally and internationally. He recorded three albums for Alligator and has since issued several CDs on smaller indie labels. Lindell's music has been described by USA Today as ?pumping soul into funk, blue and roots-rock.?. The Chicago Sun-Times called Lindell ?a tremendous raw talent?with a fully realized musical vision.?. The Los Angeles Daily News stated ?Lindell serves up bluesy blue-eyed soul smothered with a big heap of New Orleans funk? The shuffling interplay of electric guitars, percolating organ and Creole horns never fails to make you feel like dancing all the way down Canal Street.? Lindell's musical style borrows from 1970s blues-rock, soul, and R&B. His style has also been called "blue-eyed soul", a common shorthand used for Anglo blues singers that has been applied to artists including Daryl Hall and Van Morrison, amongst others. [More at Wikipedia]
January 1st, 1969 in San Mateo (Age 55)
Last Changes
New Event: 2024/07/12 - Port Chester, NY, US
New Event: 2024/04/28 - New Orleans, LA, US
New Event: 2024/04/25 - New Orleans, LA, US
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