WWII: Survivor of the failed Operation Jubilee ('Dieppe Raid') on 19 August 1942, when 60% of the mostly Canadian landing force were either killed, wounded or captured
WWII: ETO. Operation Varsity, 24 March 1945. 507th Regiment, 17th Airborne Division. Vietnam: Commander of the 1st Battalion of the 7th Cavalry (Custer?s unit)
WWII Rosie (1924-2024). Literally a WWII Riveter, on B-26 bombers, until Navy boyfriend married her on leave. Also, catcher on the company softball team. Born in Swedesburg, Iowa, she ran the Swedish American Museum for decades
Witold Urbanowicz (30 March 1908 17 August 1996) was a Polish fighter ace of the Second World War. According to the official record, Witold Urbanowicz was the second highest-scoring Polish fighter ace, with 17 confirmed wartime kills and 1 probable, not
WWII: ETO. 793rd Military Police Battalion, Company B. Landed at Utah Beach 3 weeks after D-Day. His battalion mainly was responsible to guard the supply lines of the Red Ball Express. Also guarded Eisenhower, Montgomery, Churchill
Former soldier in the Japanese Imperial Army and a prisoner of war in the Soviet labour camps, who came to media prominence in April 2006 after it was found that he had been living voluntarily in Ukraine for six decades after the end of World War II. He h