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  1. WW2 Veteran-The Last Voyage of The SS Henry Bacon
  2. One of the oldest women in the UK. Born: 1907. Recently celebrated her 109th birthday. Also one of the last surviving witnesses of Germany's Zeppelin raids in the UK, from 1914-1918. Lives in Stanmore, London, UK
  3. 23-year-old American student in his senior year at California State University, Sacramento, who helped avert a massacre when an armed attacker began shooting on a train from Amsterdam to Paris; received France's Legion of Honor
  4. Sometimes They Come Back, Twister, Idle Hands, Disclosure, Frank and Jesse, Hellraiser: Inferno
  5. Grew up in the Playboy mansion and wrote a book
  6. Inventor/Married professors Ugur Sahin and Ozlem Tureci developed science of Pfizer vaccine to treat Covid-19/German billionaire, physician, oncologist and entrepreneur of Turkish origin
  7. Hiroshima survivor. 13yo, his house collapsed on top of him. Found his school closed the next day, with 369 dead. Survived stomach cancer. Refused to speak of the day until Putin's threat of nuclear weapons pushed him to warn others
  8. Former resident of Hashima Island a.k.a Battleship Island in Nagasaki, Japan. He and the rest of the population where evacuated in 1974, when the island was closed. It was recently seen on the documentary series 'Life After People'. He lives in Japan
  9. American former vintner, public official, and television personality. He and ex-wife, Michaele, gained national notoriety in November 2009 by crashing a White House state dinner in honor of India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
  10. Frank Salerno  (2)
    Former Los Angeles Sheriff Detective who investigated the Hillside Strangler and Richard Ramirez, The Night Stalker Featured on Netflix's Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer
  11. One of the last survivors of the Armenian genocide of 1915
  12. Survivor of Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen concentration camps. Pictured in the famous photo of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen April 15 1945
  13. Wife of Pierre Salinger, Press Secretary in White House under JFK
  14. JFK/Sang at Jack Ruby's Club The Carousel in 1963/Friend of Jack Ruby/Called after Assassination & was added to Warren Report/Lounge Singer/Sinatra & others impersonator
  15. German WWII Army Guard, born 1923. Last living witness to the July 1944 'Operation Valkyrie' briefcase bombing suicide attempt on Hitler's life at the Wolf's Lair( Wolfsschanze)
  16. When Kennedy was brought to Parkland Hospital, Dr. Kenneth Salyer, then a 27-year-old resident, was the doctor on duty & treated JFK/Contends JFK was wearing a back brace on the day he died. If he had not, he might have lived
  17. Dallas Cowboys Defensive End; 2013 SEC Co-Defensive Player of the Year with the University of Missouri
  18. Former president of the International Olympic Committee
  19. 101st Airborne soldier who helped guard the Little Rock Nine students integrating their high school in 1957
  20. Only inhabitant of America's smallest town Buford, Wyoming and self-proclaimed mayor of the town of one
  21. Translator for Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya who meet with Donald Trump Jr. July of 2016 offering damaging information on Hillary Clinton to interfere with 2016 Presidential Election
  22. Director of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History; the acting secretary of the Smithsonian (2007-2008)
  23. Born:07/20/1896 The Oldest Living person in the World. Lives in Texas. One of only 5 people documented born in the year 1896 still living
  24. Born 1930 Richard Nixon's Valet until about 1980. Born in Spain and might have returned there after 1980
  25. Highest ranking member of the SS known to be alive. Born: 08/17/1911
  26. Daughter of the Famed American poet Carl Sandburg
  27. Deepwater Horizon Explosion Survivor/Crane Operator
  28. David Sanders  (2)
    Orderly who assisted in Trauma Room 2 at Parkland Memorial after assassination of President kennedy
  29. One of the world's oldest persons, born January 9, 1902. She remembers The Great Depression of the 1930's and seeing Halley's Comet, when it made its first pass of the 20th century in 1910. She is now 110 and lives in Spartanburg, South Carolina, USA
  30. JFK - Witness to the famous Parking Lot Speech in Fort Worth by President Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963, got to meet and shake hands with JFK, and pictured in a well-known photograph by Gene Gordon
  31. Fmr First Lady of South Carolina
  32. Internet project developer and philosopher project developer known for co-founding Nupedia and Wikipedia, and founding Citizendiu
  33. One of Britain's last surviving 'Canary Babies', born yellow because of dangerous chemicals poured into ammunition shells during WW1. She is now 97 years old and lives in Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK
  34. Oldest Person in Italy Born 1893
  35. Spanish Civil War Veteran, Partido Obrero de Unificacion, Lives in Catalan. Born: 1916
  36. Unverified Italitan World War 1 Veteran. Born: 09/08/1902. Lives in Montecchio Precalcino
  37. Employed by KLIF in '63 , she was dispatched to Dallas Police Station after initial reports of shooting
  38. General George Pattons Driver from the invasion of Normandy, France to the end of World War 2. Born: 10/25/1918
  39. Survivor of 1944 Hartford Circus Fire
  40. President of Nation Abortion Fedweration
  41. Turkish born farmer who in 1948, discovered the remains of Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat. He lives in the village of üzengili, Turkey
  42. NBC TV executive, born 1927. Son of RCA pioneer David Sarnoff, surprised him as a boy in a 1931 test yelling 'Hello Daddy!', the first live person broadcast by RCA/NBC. Chairman emeritus of the Television Academy
  43. Activist
  44. Nun who claims to have been visited by the Virgin Mary in Yuzawadai, near the city of Akita, Japan in 1973 after which she was cured of her deafness; the Vatican has approved the events and messages she received as reliable and worthy of belief
  45. One of the many survivors of the dropping of the first Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima by the Enola Gay on 6 August 1945. She is now 83
  46. The man credited with inventing the first digital camera,
  47. Russian-born US real estate developer, former director of Bayrock Group LLC, a real estate conglomerate based out of NY City/Bragged Moscow could get Trump elected & could get Putin's team in 2015 to buy in Moscow Trump Tower
  48. Supercentenarian born 1896 Lives in Fukuoko prefecture japan
  49. A driver with Continental Trailways in '63 , Savage drove the first White House Press bus in the motorcade in Dallas
  50. Burkinabé farmer and agronomist Right Livelihood Award 2018
  51. A First Lieut. with the U.S. Army 3rd Infantry Div. , he commanded a Death Watch Rotation at the White House prior to President Kennedy's funeral
  52. Audience member and witness to Lincoln's assassination in Ford's Theater April 14, 1865. US Senator (R-SC, 1868-73). Born 1822, died 1891
  53. He is known as the modern day nostradomus because of his prophecies and predictions, His most famous book is 'notes from the cosmos'
  54. On July 21, 2017, President Donald Trump appointed him the White House Communications Director, held position for 10 days and was replaced by Hope Hicks
  55. animal ambassador (busch gardens), Has segment in Jack Hanna's show called 'Animal Wise'
  56. Supercentenarian Born 1906
  57. Iran Hostage Crisis/444 days of captivity as a hostage in Iran/USAF Attaché
  58. Centenarian (1896-2004). One of the last woman voters of the 1920 election, and campaigners for the right to vote beforehand. A WWII Goldstar mother, and a competitive ballroom dancer into her 100's who appeared with Jay Leno on the Tonight Show
  59. Flight attendent in the D. B. Cooper flight in 1971. Now lives in Lexington, South Carolina
  60. Former East German politician and trader, Special officer of the Ministry of State Security of the GDR, lives now in Rottach-Egern, Germany
  61. American centenarian, born 1918. Double survivor of the 1918 Flu at 10 months old, and then Covid-19 at 102 years old
  62. Supreme Court: Lead plaintiff in the landmark First Amendment case Abington School District v. Schempp (1963)
  63. Former Alcatraz Inmate/US Navy Scuba Diver/Bank Robber
  64. (16 July 1877 - 6 December 1967) was a Hungarian-born American pediatrician. He is the founder of the Schick test/invented between 1910 and 1911 is a test used to determine whether or not a person is susceptible to diphtheria
  65. television director writer/Photographer on Robert Kennedy's presidential campaign staff, Schiller captured iconic images of Senator Kennedy during the months prior to his assassination
  66. Holocaust survivor, author of 'To See You Again - A True Story of Love in a Time of War'
  67. Czech-born Auschwitz survivor (1929-2023). Lost her parents and 5 siblings during the Holocaust. Married another Holocaust survivor and settled in America
  68. WWII Manhattan Project 'Atomic Girl', born 1925. Unable to join the WAAFs, volunteered for a secret mission where she watched meters in Oak Ridge, not knowing why. After Hiroshima, she realized she'd helped produce uranium for the bomb
  69. Centenarian and has published two volumes of her memoir, Snatched from Oblivion: A Cambridge Memoir and I Remember: A Life of Politics, Painting and People, as well as five children's books, which she also illustrated
  70. Anne Frank's stepsister
  71. JFK - Motorcycle cop that was assigned to President Kennedy for his motorcade in San Antonio, Nov. 21, 1963
  72. Civilian Pearl Harbor Survivor
  73. Worked in the advertising department at The Dallas Morning News in 1963 and was with Jack Ruby at the time of the assassination. His wife, Marjorie, was a volunteer at the Trade Mart luncheon
  74. Spanish Civil War Veteran, Germany, Legion Condor, Born: 1911
  75. (June 20, 1895 - February 24, 1963) was a long time professional Scouter of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) who served as the Chief Scout Executive for twelve years from 1948 to 1960 /became a volunteer Scoutmaster at age 18 in 1913
  76. Former Dept. of Defense graphics supervisor; airborne radio operator-gunner in WWII (464th Bomb Grp, 15th AF; Africa/Italy); also painted nose art. After the war, Army cartoonist who did decades of Army cartoons incl. the Berlin Air Lift
  77. Supercentenarian. Born: 09/05/1897. Currently 7th oldest person in the world
  78. Memoir, The Ghost in General Patton's Third Army. The ghost soldiers were members of the XX Corps, which earned the title Ghost Corps when, during combat/Typist for a Colonel in G-3
  79. Daughter of Walter Schulze-Mittendorff, who created the robot in the 1927 movie 'Metropolis'
  80. Holocaust survivor had book written about her called hiding edith
  81. One of the two first official guests of Disneyland (July 18, 1955)
  82. One of six teens that went to JFK Airport to see the Beatles in 1964 and Ringo Starr took a picture of them. Pictured in Starr's book 'Photograph'
  83. Director of forensic psychiatry at Kings County. Evaluated Mark David Chapman after he killed John Lennon
  84. French manager born 1942 and former longtime CEO of Renault
  85. One of the last crew members and survivors of MV Wilhelm Gustloff, which sank after being torpedoed by submarine in 1945 resulting in the greatest ship disaster in history. He is now 86 and recently wrote the book "The Sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff"
  86. Educator (Scopes Monkey Trial)
  87. Artist and Granddaughter of Robert Falcon Scott, the legendary Antarctic explorer
  88. Former CIA agent who served in the Cold War; trained Tibetans for paratrooper service, trained South-Vietnamese, many missions, including Operation Cold Feet in 1962, where he operated the Skyhook system (007 movie 'Thunderball')
  89. Walter Scott  (3)
    A captain in the 3rd U.S. Inf. Reg. in '63 , Scott was stationed in Washington the weekend of the assassination and was assigned outside St. Matthew's Cathedral during the funeral . Was standing close to John Jr. at the time of his salute
  90. Ace and member of the AVG-Flying Tigers
  91. JFK - Secret Service, later household staff director at the White House. Served from Truman to Clinton. Assisted Jackie Kennedy in the funeral preparations
  92. Canadian Lawyer & Judge. Member of the Order of Canada
  93. Morgan Stanley employee working in Tower 2 of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. He bravely led the evacuation of 276 fellow employees
  94. A stenographer with South-Western Pub. Co. in '63 , she worked on the 2nd floor of the TSBD . Standing on the north side of Elm St. , she witnessed the assassination and can be seen on the Zapruder film
  95. US Politician, born 1947. Lt. Gov. of Pennsylvania (1979-87) during the Three Mile Island crisis. Son of former PA Gov. William Scranton II
  96. Fort Worth Police Officer , worked the Kennedy motorcade route to Hotel Texas on Nov. 21 . After the assassination he guarded the Oswald remains at Miller Funeral Home
  97. One of the Creators of the Original 1978 Rainbow Flag (LGBTQ)
  98. Holocaust survivor, Italian senator
  99. Co-pilot on flights backing up Air Force 1 during JFK presidency.Former U.S. Air Force captain. Met Kennedy family & spent time with Caroline & John Jr. During Cuban missile crisis, his plane carried a JFK decoy during a top-secret flight
  100. WW2/Japanese American/Go For Broke/US Army Units served 442nd regiment, 3rd battalion, Company L/Purple Heart; 2 Unit Citations; O'Connor Task Force; Bruyeres
  101. JFK - Chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine at Parkland in 1963 and part of the team trying to save President Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963. Also summoned to Dachau to testify as an expert witness in the trial of a Nazi doctor in 1947
  102. Is a centenarian and is India's oldest living cinematographer. Known for over 18 films
  103. Polish Social Worker Saved Jewish Children during Holocaust
  104. Former NYPD Police Officer who exposed police corruption. Al Pacino played him in the movie 'Serpico.'
  105. Honor Guard For President Ford
  106. One of the oldest people in the world; born in 1896; Rutgers University Class of 1917 - Deceased 2008
  107. The Air Force first female enlisted Global Hawk drone pilot
  108. Granddaughter of the famous Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton
  109. Former United States Secret Service Agent that protected President Reagan, shoving him into his limousine on the day of his assassination attempt
  110. Fictionalized as Radar O'Reilly in 1968 novel MASH by Richard Hornberger. Vietnam/Korean Vet, Spent his last 20 years in military intelligence
  111. Woman who claimed to be the nurse being kissed by the sailor in Alfred Eisenstaedt's famous VJ Day 1945 photo on the cover of Life Magazine
  112. Security Officer at Parkland Memorial on Nov.22 , 1963 when President Kennedy and Governor Connolly were brought there after assassination
  113. Went to same school as Lee Harvey Oswald for two grades ? third and 11th/ Oswald soon dropped out, and Shannon wouldn't? really think about him again for a few years until the Assassination of JFK
  114. American attorney, sports agent, author, negotiator, educator, speaker, and civic leader. Founded Shapiro Advisors, the Shapiro Negotiations Institute and Shapiro Sher. Appeared on GMA, CNBC, Larry King, NPR, etc. Hosted a weekly TV show
  115. Worlds most flexible man. Lives in India
  116. Was A Honor Guard For JFK FuneralHe lives in Columbus, NEB
  117. Guinness World Records holder for the longest-lasting hip replacement. He was the first patient on the NHS to have hips replaced 67 years ago. He is now 91 and lives in Trowbridge, Wiltshire, UK
  118. Co Founder and the face on the Burt's Bee's packaging
  119. Andy Shaw  (3)
    Member Sioux Tribe stationed Japan 24th Infantry Div./Survivor Korean Death March/29th Reg. Combat Team/Captured Oneui 7/26/1950 marched 40 miles south of Manchurian border, some 600 miles. POW 3 months one of 23 survivors of 1,500 captured
  120. An army helicopter pilot , on Nov. 21 he took Pres. and Mrs. Kennedy from the White House to Andrew's Air Base
  121. Born 1955, game designer / programmers - Atari 2600 vertically scrolling shooter River Raid (1982)
  122. Honor Guard for PresidentsGerald Ford & Richard Nixon
  123. JFK - Main surgeon to treat Gov. Connally at Parkland after being shot in assassination of President Kennedy, Nov. 22, 1963
  124. Disarmed a gunman at the 2018 Nashville Waffle House shooting
  125. British Chief Prosecutor Nuremberg Trials/His most famous line 'There comes a point when a man must refuse to answer to his leader if he is also to answer to his own conscience.'
  126. WW2 Lt.Col./served with the 38th Cavalry Squadron of 102nd Cavalry Group during the Battle of the Bulge/Born Sept. 18, 1919/a reconnaissance unit tasked with patrolling the forests of the Ardennes region when battle broke out on 12/16/1944
  127. Emergency Room Nurse at Parkland Memorial when President Kennedy and Governor Connolly brought there on Nov. 22 , 1963
  128. JFK assassination witness
  129. English scientist. He is known for having proposed an unorthodox account of morphogenesis and for his research into parapsychology and telepathy
  130. Danny Shelton  (2)
    Founder and President of Three Angels Broadcasting network. He currently owns 8 24/7 TV shows and owns over 100 television stations in the US. He is also a songwriter and best selling author
  131. Longtime political reporter for the Dallas Times Herald, Shelton traveled with the presidential party during the November 1963 trip to Texas and later covered the Jack Ruby trial
  132. Police officer during the 1966 University of Austin shooting
  133. Super - Centenarian
  134. Last surviving Sherpa from the 1953 Everest Expedition. He is now 82 and lives in Namche Bazaar, Solukhumbu District in the Sagarmatha Zone of north-eastern Nepal. Also known as Fura Kancha Sherpa
  135. Pearl Harbor survivor, 7 Dec 1941, USS Arizona
  136. British Magician who took a famous photograph of 'The Loch Ness Monster' in 1977, which is widely considered a hoax
  137. Japanese politician (1887-1957). WWII Foreign Affairs Minister and post-war Deputy Prime Minister. Signed the WWII Instrument of Surrender, as Japan's representative
  138. American economist, academic, and best-selling author. Together with Eugene F. Fama and Lars Peter Hansen, would receive the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, 2013
  139. (1916-2002) AVG Flying Tigers CNA & Captain/Hump Pilot with 700 flights Pre-WW2
  140. Supercentenarian Born 1897. Colts Fan
  141. Dallas reporter with TV station WFAA. Covered the Kennedy assassination and interviewed the Beatles in the 1960s
  142. Saw JFK motorcade as a seventh grader with family and classmates standing in front of the Old Courthouse. Moments later she heard the fatal gunshots, and her uncle said he thought someone must have shot the President
  143. One of oldest people in the world. Born 1895 Lives in Japan
  144. John Shirley  (2)
    Honor Guard For President Gerald Ford
  145. One of the seven men who rushed the UT Tower during the shooting, 1 August 1966
  146. Born 1894 #26 oldest documented person in the world. Lives in South Carolina.
  147. Miss Oklahoma 1941; that same year she was the first Native American contestant in the Miss America Pageant and was voted Miss Congeniality
  148. African Americans' rights activist, Former civil rights activist
  149. JFK - one of the two FBI agents who attended President Kennedy's autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital on November 22, 1963
  150. Iran Hostage Crisis Survivor/ U.S. Marine Corps Guard
  151. Last living survivor of the Babi Yar Massacre
  152. Writer, Holocaust survivor, and recipient of the Newbery Honor and Boston Globe-Horn Book Award, both awarded to her in 1982
  153. Survivor of 1944 Hartford Circus Fire
  154. KBE (1888-1962) Director general MI5, UK's internal security service, from 46-53/credited breaking the power of the notorious Glasgow razor gangs during 30's/introduced wireless radios allowing communication between headquarters & vehicles
  155. JFK related/Frogman at Bay of Pigs, lives in Caracas since 70's/Wounded & taken prisoner, Castro refers to these prisoners as 'yellow worms'
  156. Retired lieutenant general in the United States Air Force
  157. JFK: Jack Ruby's Rabbi, Abraham Zapruder's Rabbi, father of actor Jonathan Silverman
  158. At Love Field when JFK arrived 11/22/1963, met him at fence/He headed straight over for us/dumbfounded all I could say was, ?God bless you Mr. President.? afterwards, I realized, that was probably the last time anybody said that to him
  159. One of the last survivors of The Halifax Explosion that occured on Thursday, December 6, 1917, when the city of Halifax, Canada, was devastated by the huge detonation of the SS Mont-Blanc. He is now 101 and still lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  160. Supreme Court: 9 year old child in 1944, she was selling literature in the streets with her religious guardians. Supreme Court ruled she could not sell these, as it broke child labor laws. Parental authority defined as not absolute
  161. Simmons with her father & friends at Dallas Love Field on November 22, 1963, where she watched Air Force One arrive and shook President Kennedy's hand. Less than a month later, she received a letter from Kennedy's secretary, Evelyn Lincoln
  162. Only female AP reporter working in Texas in !963 , she covered the events of the weekend at the TSBD and later at Police Headquarters . On Sunday she witnessed the shooting of Oswald
  163. Survivor of the sinking of the S.S. Andrea Doria in 1956 (Born: 1947) She was 9 at the time and was one of 1,706 passengers and crew on the Italian luxury liner Andrea Doria. Now aged 69, she lives in the USA
  164. One of the oldest persons in the United Kingdom, born in 1904. She was one of the survivors of The 1918 flu pandemic aka Spanish Flu, which lasted from June 1918 to December 1920and resulted in the deaths of 50 to 100 million people
  165. On November 22, 1963, the day of her wedding shower, Sims saw the President's motorcade on Main Street. Previously she had met Ruby when he tried to convince her to audition at the Carousel Club
  166. Dallas Police Detective in 1963 , on the 22nd was at the Trade Mart , Parkland Memorial and later at the TSBd
  167. 2nd oldest man in Canada born 1911. WWII veteran
  168. Chief hangman of Singapore
  169. Firefighter, 9/11
  170. He is known for saving the life of United States President Gerald Ford during an assassination attempt
  171. Chief Judge US District Court for District of Columbia, famous for role in Watergate scandal. He rose to national prominence during the Watergate scandal when he ordered President Nixon to turn over recordings of White House conversations
  172. Republican elector who resigned as an elector rather than vote for Donald Trump
  173. The world's second-oldest man. Born 1900
  174. Supercentenarian. Born 1904. French nun
  175. JFK//At age 16 Sittel saw President and Mrs. Kennedy arrive at Dallas Love Field
  176. She helped steady Abraham Zapruder as he stood on a concrete pedestal making his famous film of the Kennedy assassination
  177. Mall of America's first Asian-American Santa Claus
  178. Last survivor of the 2011 Lokomotiv Yaroslavl air disaster. 09/07/2011
  179. Secret Service Agent/Guarded 7 presidents, including JFK, LBJ, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter and Nixon, duty at the White House on Nov 22
  180. Boy witness to Hindenburg crash in 1937
  181. Girl who was born inside of the Statue of Liberty in 1982
  182. First person to ever let loose a personal computer virus (1982)
  183. Veteran of Polish-Soviet War. Born: 1906. (1920 Battle of Warsaw)
  184. Double for Queen Elizabeth
  185. Crewman on USS Indianapolis/Survivor
  186. Dutch inventor and entrepreneur who creates technological solutions to global problems. He is the founder and CEO of The Ocean Cleanup; a Dutch foundation which develops advanced systems to rid world's oceans of plastic
  187. JFK Assassination/Age 16 & school let out, above Kennedy's motorcade when he was shot. She 1st mistook the shots fired for a car backfiring. She thinks back to the moment when she returned to school less than an hour after Kennedy was shot
  188. JetBlue fight attendant who dramatically quit his job by opening the E-chute on his plane and sliding down
  189. Warren Commission Assistant Counsel/for the investigation of the JFK Assassination/Author 'Binding Promises'
  190. JFK - Secret Service; not in motorcade, but arrived in Dallas in the afternoon of the 22nd November 1963 to support the investigations; examined TSBD Sixth Floor among other things; began his career under Eisenhower
  191. Former President and Chief Operating Officer of the Federal National Mortage Association; Secretary of the Smithsonian (2000-2007)
  192. Miss America 1926
  193. She attended Beauregard Junior High at the same time as Lee Harvey Oswald
  194. Charlie Smith  (5)
    Member of the 3 original 1939 Little League teams
  195. Daniel Smith  (6)
    Living son of an American Slave
  196. Born July 14, 1914) was the first African American woman to graduate from Grinnell College, in Grinnell, Iowa
  197. One of the last surviving witnesses of Germany's Zeppelin raids in the UK, from 1914-1918.Age 104 in 2015 and lived in the West Midlands of England
  198. President of Joseph Smith Senior and Lucy Mack Smith Foundation/ born 1907
  199. US Marine Corps 4 Star General. Fought in the Gulf War, Iraq War, and War in Afghanistan. Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Distinguished Service Cross, and Legion of Merit recipient
  200. US centenarian, born 1918. Survived the 1918 Flu as an infant, contracted from her mother who died of it when she was a few months old. At 102, one of the first to be vaccinated against Covid-19 in her Florida area
  201. Jim Smith  (5)
    Former CIA Agent, Married to Barbara Hearn
  202. Dallas policeman , standing at the corner of Elm and Houston , in front of the TSBD at the time of President Kennedy's assassination
  203. 13th oldest Person in the World Born 1893.
  204. Witness to Rosa Parks' bus ride in 1955. Standing bus behind Parks, she eventually got off the bus with a group of people and walked home. She was an elevator operator where Parks worked as a seamstress
  205. Buffalo Soldier of WWII (1923-2021). Badly wounded in Italy alongside John Fox (one of the few Black MOH recipients of WWII), held POW by Germany. Teaching career, known as 'Doc Rock'
  206. Was one of the first Swing female drummers. Born: 11/28/1912 In 2016, she was reportedly still actively drumming at the age of 105 in a Costa Mesa band called Forever Young Band, as one of the oldest mainstream musicians still alive
  207. William Smith  (4)
    A News Photographer for the Dallas Times Herald , he was one of three photographers to take photos of three ' tramps 'as they were led away from a railroad car to be questioned on Nov. 22 , 1963
  208. newsmaker
  209. 97 year old artist and Cabaret performer born in Poland
  210. (born July 8, 1916) is a former Republican South Carolina State Senator who also served as United States Chief of Protocol under President Richard M. Nixon from 1969-74 and was a member of the presidential campaign staff and Transition Team
  211. MIT alumnus who was Chairman of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) from 2001 to 2002 and President of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) from 2003 to 2004
  212. Subject of the new WWII book 'Spearhead'
  213. One of the last known survivors of The Halifax Explosion, that occurred on December 06, 1917. He is now 100 years old and lives at Island View Suites in Arnprior, Ontario, Canada. Also a survivor of the the Almonte Train Wreck of 1942
  214. Vietnam/Fall of Saigon/Senior CIA strategy analyst in Saigon and one of the last CIA men to be airlifted off the embassy roof amidst the chaos/Peabody-Award winning investigative journalist and broadcaster
  215. One of the many survivors of the Blitz, a series of heavy and frequent bombing raids carried out over Britain in 1940 and 1941, during the Second World War. She lived in London at the time. She is now in her eighties and lives in London
  216. An American computer professional, former CIA employee, and government contractor who leaked classified information from the U.S. National Security Agency in 2013
  217. The last lighthouse keeper in the United States. also an author
  218. Woman who claims to be the nurse being kissed by the sailor in Alfred Eisenstadt's famous VJ Day 1945 photo on the cover of Life Magazine
  219. Former Soviet Military Marshal (Soviet Army) and the last surviving veteran from The Battle of Lake Khasan in 1938
  220. Survivor of 1906 San Francisco earthquake
  221. Husband Robert was head advertising department at Dallas Times Herald in 1963. She vice president of Dallas chapter of League of Women Voters/Both attended Adlai Stevenson event on U.N. Day & at Trade Mart luncheon day of the assassination
  222. #4 oldest person in the world lives in France. Born: Sept.7,1894
  223. U.S. Army veteran, who was captured by the Nazis in 1944, after bombing a Nazi bunker
  224. Author of Journey to the Golden Door and a Holocaust survivor. Won 1981 National Teacher of the Year, an honor bestowed at the White House, after which he served on President Reagan?s National Commission on Excellence in Education
  225. Jewish survivor of the Nazis and a WWII veteran. Born in turbulent post-war Germany and witnessed the rise of National Socialism/Managed to escape in January 1939 and immigrated to America. He fought in the Pacific Theater during WWII
  226. American author and inventor most notable for being the U.S. prosecution team's chief interpreter during the Nuremberg Trials. Fought at Battle of the Bulge. Part of the RCA team that invented color tv. Worked for NASA on the moon landings
  227. Survivor of the crash and last living adult crewman of the Hindenburg. Died in 2005
  228. Survivor of the Holocaust (Auschwitz concentration camp). Also a lecturer and author
  229. JFK - SAIC of the Dallas Secret Service office, was in the lead car ahead of Kennedy when the president was shot on Nov. 22, 1963
  230. JFK - The "baby in the picture", as the press called her: On November 22, 1963, at Love Field, Dallas, the Kennedys shook hands with the crowd, and as it happened, Jackie touched baby Peggy - a moment was immortalized in photographs
  231. JFK: DPD officer after Oswald's shooting, at guard duty at Parkland Hospital while the autopsy on Oswald was performed
  232. Survivor of the Farhud
  233. Survived the Almonte Train Wreck, 27 December 1942. Reportedly living in Carleton Place, Ontario
  234. Spanish Flu & COVID-19 survivor. 1918-2021
  235. Pilot
  236. On the morning of November 22, 1963, young John Sparks joined his fellow high school band members to play 'Hail to the Chief' for President John F. Kennedy. Hours later like the rest of the world, Sparks learned of Kennedy's assassination
  237. United States Air Aces
  238. Architect, son of nazi officer Albert Speer
  239. One of the last few survivors of the 1917 Halifax Explosion, born 1917. She lives in Canada
  240. WW2 Veteran/100th Infantry Division & 82nd Airborne Division/July 1944, reassigned to 82nd Airborne Division, 325th Infantry Glider Regiment, Company C/Remembers seeing smoke from guns below crossing the English Channel toward Holland
  241. Survived the Almonte Train Wreck, 27 December 1942
  242. US Army vet, born 1925. 'Undesirable' discharge for being gay, 1948. Hid the anguish from his family, until he married his partner of decades in 2009 and fought years for an honorable discharge, which came at the age of 91 in 2017
  243. Member of the 3 original 1939 Little League teams
  244. The last surviving woman to have flown on the Hindenburg, born in 1925. Her flight was in Sept. 1936, her mother named it's 1,000th passenger. She grew up to be one of South Carolina's leading environmentalists
  245. Granddaughter of Alice Liddell (Alice in Wonderland)
  246. US Navy 'Atomic Veteran', born 1928. Operation Crossroads atomic tests witness in 1946. Enlisted 1945, but recruiter held him off since he had four brothers serving. But ended up exposed to radiation, fighting skin cancers later in life
  247. JFK: Witnessed the Kennedy motorcade in Dallas on Nov. 23, 1963
  248. Retired American police officer who infiltrated the ranks of the Ku Klux Klan in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in the late 1970s. He was the first African-American detective in the Colorado Springs Police Department.'
  249. Head Nurse of emergency rooms at Parkland Memorial and assisted with care of Gov. Connolly in Trauma Room 2 on Nov. 22 , 1963
  250. WW2 POW 31st Infantry Regiment U.S. Army, was captured & shipped to Yokkaichi city in Japan where was forced to shovel coal at copper mill/suffered post-traumatic stress disorder, but recovered & held career as corrections officer in Conn
  251. Classmate of John F. kennedy , waiting to have lunch with him on Nov.22 , 1963 , part of Dallas Citizen's Council, born June 10, 1918
  252. Bismarck survivor
  253. Son of World War II colonel and resistance leader Claus von Stauffenberg
  254. U.S. Navy 4-Star Admiral; NATO Supreme Allied Commander (2009-2013); Commander, U.S. Southern Command (2006-2009)
  255. British intelligence officer & founding director of Orbis Business Intelligence, a London-intelligence firm. Author of a controversial 2016 report calming Russia collected a file of compromising information on Donald Trump that was paid for by Democrats
  256. Born 1895. #42 oldest documented person in the world. Lives in Connecticut.
  257. American centenarian, born 1918. Survived the 1918 Flu as an 8 month old infant. Became an art teacher, and learned to fly a plane in the 1940s before she learned to drive
  258. Last known holocaust survivor of the Nazi's Bratislava work group. Born in 1908 and lives in a retirement home in Illinois
  259. Dallas Policeman, at the Dallas Trademart when JFK shot. On the scene days later when Oswald was shot
  260. WW2/Battle of the Bulge/101st FA 26 Yankee Division
  261. Goddaughter of President Kennedy. Her late father, James A. Reed, and John F. Kennedy were longtime friends, having met in the South Pacific during World War II. Reed served as Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury from 1962 to 1965
  262. American Woman Born 1910. One of the Oldest People in America
  263. WW2/Member of Ritchie Boys, a military intelligence unit composed of German, Austrian, & Czech refugees & immigrants to the US, mostly Jewish. Member of (interrogators of prisoners of war) Team 37. For this he gained the Bronze Star Medal
  264. Snakemaster
  265. Author of 'Just Mercy', Civil RIghts Leader
  266. John Stewart  (4)
    Vietnam/Fall of Saigon/Drove bus through Saigon & pick up eligible to leave. Saw anger growing among those on the streets as people realized the end was near & U.S. was pulling out. A rocket hit near the bus & was shaken by shrapnel
  267. sports guy now in jail..
  268. Black Sharecropper during the Depression Era/Author 'My RememberS: A Black Sharecropper's Recollections of the Depression'
  269. One of the last surviving construction workers who worked on The Shasta Dam which began construction in 1938. He is now 93 years old and lives in Anderson, California, U.S.A
  270. Was on the swing horse for the caisson for President Kennedy's funeral
  271. Glamorous jet-setting model, mistress of Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling who recorded his racist remarks
  272. Author of 'Dracula the Un-dead' and the great-grand nephew of Bram Stoker
  273. 1950s black student protester at Robert Russo Moton High School, born 1931. Led to one of the five cases part of the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision. Career as a teacher and principal
  274. Chief Electrician USS Darter (SS-227) in October 1944, during Ambush at Palawan Passage. Then, Bill was the Chief Electrician when the Menhaden was commissioned in June of 1945
  275. Born October 30, 1922, in Kishinev, Romania is the sole survivor of the torpedo-sinking of the Holocaust refugee ship the Struma by a Soviet submarine, the Shchuka 213 in the Black Sea in the early morning of February 24, 1942
  276. Former gatekeeper at Graceland
  277. American journalist and magazine editor. He's most well known for his work at Time magazine, met with Abraham Zapruder to get the rights for the Zapruder film
  278. One of the last witnesses of The Battle of Cable Street, London. She is now 96 and lives in London, UK. Possibly deceased, needs confirming
  279. Michael Stone  (3)
    Psychologist/doctor on the history televisions hit tv series 'Most Evil'
  280. Political consultant, lobbyist, and strategist, born 1952.Began in the Nixon administration, and became a major adviser to Donald Trump
  281. NASA Recovery Team leader for missions from John Glenn through Apollo 12. Briefed Nixon during his welcome home meeting with the Apollo 11 crew on the USS Hornet
  282. Alias Murad Storm & Murad Storm Ad-Denemarki, Danish former agent of Danish Security & Intelligence Service (PET) operated in Islamic militant circles. Identity became public knowledge 2012 when he came forward in newspaper Jyllands-Posten
  283. Took the only known photo of Marilyn Monroe and JFK together
  284. Born 1896 #61 oldest person in the world. Lives in Tennessee.
  285. Donut Dolly Vietnam War/An American Red Cross Donut Dollie with the 9th Infantry Division and Mobile Riverine Force in Vietnam
  286. Autopsy on John F Kennedy
  287. Kennedy campaign volunteer shot in the assassination of Robert Kennedy by Shirhan Sirhan in 1968
  288. Centenarian (1905-2008), witness of 2 major aviation events. In the 1909 crowd that watched O.Wright demonstrate his plane for the US military. Married to WWII Marine, lived on hill near Pearl Harbor in 1941, first bomb hit nearby house
  289. Designed and implemented the C++ programming language. Professor of Computer Science in Columbia University in New York City
  290. One of the oldest women in Britain. She is now 109 and when she was a small girl, waved off the Titanic at Southampton. She now lives in Cowes, Isle of Wight, UK
  291. WWII Red Cross worker, Gold Star Widow, born 1921. Raced last minute to marry fiance night before he shipped out, soon killed by a land mine. Signed up for Red Cross in 1945, sent to Guam at war's end to entertain and lift troop spirits
  292. Philanthropist, historian is a great-granddaughter of 26th U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt and the granddaughter of Alice Roosevelt Longworth
  293. Witness to JFK assassination from a 4th story window in the Texas School Book Depository, close to Oswald's window. Figure in the controversial timing of Oswald's departure from the building
  294. Iran Hostage Crisis/444 days of captivity as a hostage in Iran/Staff Sgt./Military Police, US Army, Defense Attaché's Staff
  295. Last performer at the 1st NHK Kohaku Uta Gassen 3 January 1951
  296. Son of Chiune Sugihara, the Chinese 'Oskar Schindler', living in Antwerp, Belgium
  297. 'Rocketman' from the 1984 Olympic Opening Ceremonies
  298. The Octomom; California woman famous for having octuplets and a total of fourteen children via in vitro fertilisation,Starred in Adult Movie 'Home Alone'
  299. JFK: Secret Service agent for Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Ford, Carter as well as Vice Presidents Agnew and Rockefeller. Korean War veteran
  300. 2001/American electrician best known for operating a fully robotic limb through a nerve-muscle graft, making him one of the first non-fictional cyborgs
  301. 2005 Disney Legend
  302. JFK - Assassination witness clearly seen in the Zapruder movie, just a few yards from the incident, as the man diving to the ground as the shots rang out
  303. Businessman and Co-founder of Lime Bikes
  304. Former Alcatraz Inmate. He is currently free and lives somewhere in Pittsburg. He was a good friend of Whitey Bulger at Alcatraz. AZ-1431
  305. Politician, Comedian, and Presidential Canidate
  306. Supercentenarian Born 1906 Oldest person living in Nebraska
  307. Politics
  308. Born Jan. 28, 1954 Was A Honor Guard (?) and helped Betty Ford at Gerald Ford's funeral
  309. The second Disneyland Ambassador (1966)
  310. Survivor and eyewitness to the 1958 Lituya Bay megatsunami, the the highest recorded megatsunami and the largest known in modern times. She is the wife of William A. Swanson
  311. Survivor and eyewitness to the 1958 Lituya Bay megatsunami, the the highest recorded megatsunami and the largest known in modern times. Maybe still living, not sure
  312. B.1927 Former FBI Special Agent from 51-77, author FBI Secrets & To Kill a President/Served Navy during WW2/Began career doing "black bag jobs" on Communists in Chicago. In Kentucky & NYC, spent years doing serious criminal investigations
  313. American former biathlete. In 1984, she was a member of the bronze medal-winning U.S. relay team at the first women's Biathlon World Championships. In July 1984 she was kidnapped by two 'Mountain Men' near Bozeman, Montana and held captive for 18 days.
  314. 9th Oldest Person in the World
  315. Man who claims to be the Sailor kissing a nurse on VJ Day in Alfred Eisenstadt's famous Life Magazine photo; from Kansas City, MO
  316. One of Anne Frank's friends lives in Amstelveen today
  317. Former USMC that served in the US Marine Corps Surveillance and Target Acquisition/Scout-Sniper Platoon during the Gulf War. He was apart of STA Platoon 2 Blatoon 7th Marines. Author of Jarhead and many novels
  318. Dust bowl survivor and WWII veteran, born 1917. Fought in campaigns including Tunisia, Sicily, and Rome (where he met the Pope), and later helped liberate the Dachau concentration camp