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  1. US Secretary of Interior (2021-), US Representative (2019-present); first Native American woman to serve in Congress
  2. The Poland native also founded the 1939 Club, an organization of Holocaust survivors, and was a board member of the L.A. Museum of the Holocaust
  3. American businessman, political aide and author, born 1928. RFK assistant during the 1960 JFK campaign, and first Associate Director of the Peace Corps. Later an executive for the DeLorean car and pharmaceutical companies
  4. Descendant of the Yi Dynasty (Empire of Korea) is one of two pretenders to the throne of Korea. She is a second daughter of Prince Imperial Ui of Korea, a fifth son of Emperor Gojong of Korea
  5. Army Air Corps.1st mission firebombing mission Hamm, Germany Feb, 1945. Flew 23 missions/part 8th Air Force, Rookie crew, 1st combat mission, bomber Last plane in formation to pass over the target - position known as 'Tail End Charlie'
  6. Allen Haff  (2)
    Auction Hunters show
  7. Manager of the Sikorsky Presidential Helicopter Division, he was in the team that built all Presidential helicopters from Kennedy to Reagan
  8. Political aide & businessman, White House Chief of Staff to President Richard Nixon & his consequent involvement in the Watergate scandal. His intimate role in the Watergate cover-up precipitated his resignation from government
  9. Sole survivor from the sinking of S.S. Daniel J. Morrell. that sank in november 1966
  10. Formerly Oldest Man, born on December 1, 1890 (USA)- Deceased 2004
  11. Newsmaker; was a secretary to Lt. Colonel Oliver North and a notable figure in the Iran - Contra affair. Granted immunity for testifying at the trial in 1987 and became overnight celebrity
  12. WWII U.S. Corporal - served in the 3rd Marine Division, participating in campaigns such as Guadalcanal, Bougainville, Guam, and Iwo Jima. Witnessed the iconic flag raising atop Mount Surabachi. Purple Heart recipient
  13. Iran Hostage Crisis/U.S. Army Military Attaché
  14. City Manager of the Armored Motor Service in Dallas , Hall arranged to have two armored trucks sent to the DPD on the morning of Nov. 24 , 1963 , to act as decoys during the transfer of Oswald
  15. American shot along with the Pope in 1981
  16. Steve Hall  (4)
    Retired Operations Officer, Central Intelligence Agency/retired from the CIA after 30 years of running and managing intelligence operations in Central Eurasia and Latin America
  17. Sixth grader at John J. Pershing Elementary in 1963, Haller filmed the Kennedy motorcade on Turtle Creek Boulevard. He shared his film publicly for the first time at the 50th anniversary of the assassination in 2013
  18. Senate chaplain
  19. Son of Frank Hamer (bonnie and clyde)
  20. Flight Steward who served on Air Force One for Kennedy through Ford. Flew JFK into Dallas, then helped tear out seats to fit the casket in after the shot. Stayed in the area with Jackie Kennedy and JFK's body during the flight back to DC.
  21. (born 1929) is a political scientist, civil rights leader, and the W. S. Sayre Professor Emeritus of Government and Political Science at Columbia University/Most noted work is Black Power: The Politics of Liberation in America
  22. Ian Hamilton  (2)
    Scottish Lawyer and Nationalist (born: 1925). He is best known for his part in the removal of the Stone of Destiny from Westminster Abbey in 1950. Now 94. Lives in the UK
  23. Civilian Conservation Corps veteran, featured in history documentaries about the CCC and the Great Depression. Also one of the last living people who travelled as a hobo during the Depression
  24. US Mining Engineer Businessman, Diplomat (1855-1936) Close friend and advisor to Wm Taft. Also knew and advised Grant, Hayes, Roosevelt, and Coolidge as a friend
  25. Dallas schoolgirl in 1963, Hampson saw the presidential motorcade near the corner of Main and Houston Streets. She and a friend walked to Dealey Plaza in the aftermath of the assassination
  26. Survivor and one of the last living of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. Born: 1903 - Deceased 2009
  27. Last survivor of the sinking of the RMS Empress of Ireland on 29 May 1914
  28. JFK - Secret Service agent; was one of those that were assigned to Dallas after the assassination for duties like guarding the Presidential limousine or further investigations
  29. John Hancock  (6)
    US patriot, statesman, merchant (1737-97). 4th and 13th President of the Continental Congress, 1st and 3rd Gov. of Massachusetts
  30. Supreme Court: One of the three officers who initially attempted to enter Ms. Mapp's residence with a false warrant in Mapp v. Ohio
  31. Trooper who arrested Timothy McVeigh
  32. Born 1896 #74 oldest documented person in the world. Lives in Mississippi.
  33. United States Air Aces
  34. Wife of FBI Agent Russian Spy Robert Hanssen, movie Breach
  35. Samurai of the sky/Japanese Zero Pilot WW2/19 Victories/Public Speaker/Imperial Japanese Navy, and graduated from the service's 35th fighter pilot course/Lives @ NAGANO, Japan/
  36. Texas State Trooper on duty at Parkland on Nov. 22 , 1963
  37. German U-boat commander; over 100,000 tons sunk; 24th most successful commander in World War II.Born: 03/18/1913
  38. Man who claims to be the Sailor kissing a nurse on VJ Day in Alfred Eisenstadt's famous Life Magazine photo
  39. Convicted British Serial Killer - 'Beast of Manchester.'
  40. Was the motorcycle cop trailing JFK's car when he was assassinated in Dallas in 1963
  41. Doug witnessed both President Kennedy's inauguration and funeral and later advocated for a local memorial to the late president that was realized in 2012
  42. Female Concorde Pilot
  43. Pioneering stewardess and WWII nurse, born 1916. Special duty nurse for Air Force Gen. Hap Arnold, after having been one of Delta's first ever stewardesses from 1940-43
  44. Last surviving health care member associated with the Tuskegee Syphilis Study during the years of 1932 to 1972
  45. Mr. Jimmy of the April 2010 disaster, when the offshore drilling rig Deepwater Horizon exploded and created the worst oil spill in U.S. history
  46. Wireless/Mobile/Cell Phone Co-Inventor
  47. Bill Harris  (5)
    United States Air Aces
  48. United States Air Aces
  49. Supercentenarian. Oldest living man in the United States. 75th oldest person in the World. Born 03/31/1901
  50. Former Corporal of Horse (CoH) of the Household Cavalry of the British Armed Forces. He holds the record for the longest confirmed sniper kill in combat, at a range of 2,475 m (2,707 yd)
  51. Witnessed the murder of David Blakely by Ruth Ellis outside the Magdala Pub in London in 1955. He was 8 years old at the time when he heard the shot that lead to Ruth Ellis, being the last woman to be hanged in Britain. He lives in the UK
  52. British economist and the Andrew E. Furer Professor of Economics at Harvard University. Together with Bengt R. Holmström, he received the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2016
  53. Holocaust Survivor 16 years when arrived in Auschwitz
  54. Donald Trump accuser; makeup artist
  55. David Harvey  (3)
    Economics Professor. CUNY
  56. WW2 Marine/Served in Iwo Jima, Bougainville, Vella Lavella & Solomon Islands Campaigns/Silver Star Recipient/95 Years old in 2019/Loves the Marine Core with a passion
  57. Super Centenarian oldest person in Saga Prefecture, Japan. 2nd oldest person in the world born 11/20/1896. One of three people living born in the year 1896
  58. American intelligence officer, serving as the acting director of the Central Intelligence Agency. She joined the CIA in 1985. February 2017 she was appointed by President Donald Trump as Deputy Director of the CIA, and March 2018 Director
  59. Danish-born soldier and writer who has written pseudo-autobiographical novels based on his experiences in World War II
  60. American real estate investor, author and philanthropist from NYC. Along with his now ex-wife Jane Rosenthal, and Robert De Niro, he co-founded the Tribeca Film Festival and the Tribeca Film Institute. Chairman of Turtle Pond Publications
  61. Vietnam vet, born 1943. Team leader of the UDT-11 frogmen who recovered the Apollo 11 Command Module. He opened the hatch and shook the hand of Neil Armstrong, the first out, welcoming him back home. He then scrubbed each astronaut with a disinfectant
  62. One of the last surviving players of the first three Little League teams, formed in 1939 in Williamsport, PA. Born in 1926
  63. Canadian clergyman. Since 1977, he has served as Senior Pastor of Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto, a vibrant, inclusive & progressive church openly affirming for LGBT parishioners, & is one of Canada's leading gay rights activists
  64. Ray Hawkins  (2)
    Cuffed Lee Harvey Oswald at the movie theater after he was apprehended
  65. Korean War: One of the 'Non-Repatriated 23' who didn't return to the US after the end of the Korean War. Most ended up returning to the US; a maximum of 7 are still alive
  66. (July 11, 1904 - March 5, 1979) American particle physicist/Assigned by JFK to be Atomic Energy Commissioner
  67. Pioneering Gay Rights activist (1912-2002). 'Father of the Gay Rights Movement', co-founded The Mattachine Society in 1950. Also an activist for labor, communist, and Native American issues
  68. One of the 'Chicago7' war protesters from 1968
  69. General Counsel as well as the interim President and CEO of the NAACP in 2005 and from 2007 to 2008/Criticized George W. Bush's Social Security reform proposals & Major League Baseball's recruitment efforts of black baseball players
  70. JFK - Motorcycle cop that rode several cars behind JFK on Nov. 22, 1963; not yet on Elm Street when JFK was shot; pictured in several photos running up the Grassy Knoll immediately after the assassination, meets James Tague, later at TSBD
  71. B. February 16, 1920 was the first woman in the U.S. Military to be promoted to a general officer rank. She was promoted on June 11, 1970, after being appointed by President Richard Nixon on May 15, of that year.
  72. Orderly in Major Surgery at Parkland Memorial on Nov. 24/63 , Willie helped with the arrival of Lee Harvey Oswald
  73. of Exxon Valdes fame
  74. An Irish-American Second World War veteran who fought in D-Day and the Battle of the Bulge Born February 20, 1921
  75. Vietnam - Last Flight From Da Nang, pilot. Ken is the pilot of the famous 'Last Flight from Da Nang' on March 29, 1975, when World Airways owner Ed Daly took his 727-100 to Da Nang which had become Vietcong-controlled
  76. Fourth and last surviving son of William Randolph Hearst and Millicent Hearst/Father to Patty Hearts
  77. (January 27, 1908 - May 14, 1993), Pulitzer Prize-winning editor-in-chief of Hearst Newspapers/Won a Pulitzer Prize for his interview with Soviet premier, Nikita Khrushchev/Son of publisher William Randolph Hearst
  78. Bodyguard of Elvis Presley
  79. Last survivor of the Oradour-sur-Glane massacre 10 June 1944
  80. British former WPC who was one of the first on the scene during the Enfield Haunting case. She lives in the UK
  81. (Born 1946) US Navy Vietnam Veteran. While serving aboard the USS Canberra, Hegdahl was blown overboard off the deck of the ship in the Gulf of Tonkin and was taken as a Prisoner of War by the North Vietnamese. POW from 1967 to 1969
  82. US Marine, 2 Vietnam tours of duty. Stationed on the USS Hornet in 1969 during it's Apollo 11 recovery, served as a guard of the crew and later, the command module. Held a rifle at attention as Nixon welcomed the quarantined crew back
  83. Claims the Pattinson / Gimlin 1967 Bigfoot footage a hoax, Claims to have appeared in the famous video dressed as Bigfoot, now retired and living in Yakima, Washington
  84. Silhouette on the POW/MIA flag
  85. Norwegian editor and film expert who became famous in norway when she met Bill Clinton when he visit norway in 1999-
  86. Uprising of 1953 in East Germany (on June 17, 1954) Witness to the revolt because he is one of two figures caught in an archive photo of young men hurling stones against the Soviet tanks
  87. Holocaust survivor, author and philanthropist
  88. Super Bowl Sunday 1969 he hijacked United Airlines flight to Havana. A former Green Beret, his mission to get Fidel Castro. Reds boarded a 727 from Miami forced pilot to fly to Cuba. He had the pilot send a message, 'Tell Fidel, El Rojo is coming.'
  89. Son of Ernest Hemingway
  90. Centenarian (1898-2005), last known visitor to the 1904 St Louis World's Fair. Stamp collector in the American Numismatic Association Hall of Fame
  91. Civil Rights/was in the forefront of the civil rights battle as he bravely stepped up to participate in the sit - in at the Woolworth?s diner. 1960 Woolworth lunch counter sit in
  92. Oldest Royal Mountie
  93. Like witnesses Carolyn Walther and Arnold Rowland , Ruby saw two men on the sixth floor of the TSBD five minutes before President Kennedy was shot , one of whom had a rifle
  94. WWII: CBI. Lt. Col. bombardier on the bomber that destroyed the famous 'Bridge on the River Kwai'
  95. US Physicist, born 1925. Appointed Chair of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) by Jimmy Carter. Served during the Three Mile Island crisis
  96. Assassination witness , bookkeeper at Allyn and Bacon Publishers : said she heard three shots fired at JFK's motorcade
  97. WW2/79th Regiment, demolition squad, His company had 3 platoons that were involved with communications, ammunitions and engineering/Henley's regiment was headed to capture the seaport town of Cherbourg France when D-Day invasion had begun
  98. German ww2 veteran and pow and author
  99. 1/2 of Canada's longest married couple
  100. Age 89/American teacher most notable for teaching Ruby Bridges, the first African-American child to attend the all-white William Frantz Elementary School, located in New Orleans
  101. Joseph Henry  (2)
    1/2 of Canada's longest married couple
  102. Black WWII US Army vet (1923-2020), spent decades fighting his biased 'blue discharge' release. Finally upgraded to an honorable discharge in 2019. Died of COVID-19 in 2020
  103. Supervisor in the Dallas Police Radio Dispatchers office on Nov. 22 , 1963
  104. He was master electro-mechanic for Adolf Hitler's apartments in the Old Chancellery, and one of the survivors from the 'bunker'.
  105. Fiona Herbert, 8th Countess of Carnarvon (also known as Lady Carnarvon) is the wife of George Herbert, 8th Earl of Carnarvon (also known as Lord Carnarvon)
  106. George Herbert, 8th Earl of Carnarvon (also known as Lord Carnarvon) is the great-grandson of the 5th Earl of Carnarvon, the man who, alongside Howard Carter, discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun
  107. Iran Hostage Crisis/U.S. Marine Corps Guard
  108. 11 year old witness to the 1945 Trinity Test, the first atomic explosion. Helping his dad work on the car, he saw the mushroom cloud in the distance. Survived cancer, but lost many family and friends in the area downwind of the test site
  109. American photojournalist, born 1927. Covered the Korean War, presidents, Krushchev, sports, NASA, and more. Named one of AP's Top 10 Civil Rights photographers. Took iconic photos of Rosa Parks' and Martin Luther King's arrests
  110. Talk Show Host, Philanthropy, Author, Adviser Julia Roberts played her in ?Charlie Wilson?s War?, but the real-life Texan is far more interesting than any movie could capture
  111. Col, U.S. Army (Ret.) is an author and retired counterintelligence officer with extensive interrogation experience in three wars (Vietnam, Operation JUST CAUSE, and Operation DESERT STORM/Fall of Saigon evacuee
  112. WW2 Luftwaffe Ace. 'Spanish Civil War Veteran' 'International Brigade' 'German'
  113. (1909-1999) Philatelic writer, collector, and dealer. Known for books Nassau Street: a Quarter Century of Stamp Dealing (1960), Fun and Profit in Stamp Collecting (1962), Stories to Collect Stamps by (1968), and many more
  114. Holocaust survivor...Author/Poet
  115. JFK - Secret Service agent that was in the investigation of the assassination of John F. Kennedy; began his career under Eisenhower; also traveled to China with Nixon; pictured with LBJ
  116. Political scientist, Presidential advisor (born 1933). Speechwriter on Eisenhower's White House Staff, later served and advised Nixon, Ford, and Carter
  117. Along with her husband , Charles , Beatrice was sitting on the grass on the north side of Elm St .on Nov. 22 , 1963 , in Dallas when they heard two shots . They thought the shots came from the TSBD
  118. Son of Nazi Leader from WWII
  119. Former Chancellor of University of California, Berkeley; Secretary of the Smithsonian (1994-1999)
  120. Son of Rudolf Heß
  121. One of the many survivors and eyewitnesses to the dropping of the first Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima by the Enola Gay on 6 August 1945. He treated survivors as a medical doctor and wrote about the effects of radiation on the human body. He is now 94
  122. Pearl Harbor survivor at the Naval Air Station on Ford Island. Born in 1921 in Oklahoma, he also survived the dust bowl of the 1930s
  123. US Politician, Georgia (1823-82) Confederate Gov. of Georgia 1862-65, US House 1875-77, US Senate 1877-82. Named 'The Peerless Orator.' Close friend to Jefferson Davis who spoke at Hill's Statue dedication in Atlanta after his death
  124. Betty Hill  (2)
    UFO figure (1919-2004). Wife in the couple that claimed to have been abducted by aliens in 1961. The first widely reported alien abduction, it led to a popular book and TV movie
  125. Clint Hill  (2)
    Born: 1932. Ex Secret Service Agent in President Kennedy's motorcade during the assassination. Hill is the last surviving passenger of the presidential limousine which arrived at Parkland Hospital on November 22, 1963
  126. USAF, (Ret) Original Tuskegee Airman/One key event took place while working in crash & rescue. During one aircraft incident, heroically helped remove, then Col B. O. Davis Jr, from his damaged plane upon landing at locbourne Air Force Base
  127. Gerald Hill  (2)
    JFK - Dallas police officer who went to the TSBD where he and 2 others found the shooter's perch and 3 spent shell casings; then assigned to the J.D. Tippit site, from there to Texas Theatre where he and other officers apprehended Oswald
  128. A member of the Dallas Police 1963 he , ten minutes after the assassination , directed attention to the second upper-right-hand corner window of the TSBD from where he believed the shots came
  129. Jean Hill  (2)
    Eye-Witness to Kennedy assassination/Woman in Red/Technical adviser to Oliver Stone film 'JFK'
  130. Resident at Parkland , one of physicians who treated Jack Ruby in late 1966 . Was with Ruby at the time of his death
  131. Nurse For JFK After He was shot
  132. Survivor of 1944 Hartford Circus Fire/Age six time of fire
  133. A co-worker of Lee Harvey Oswald , Geneva witnessed the motorcade from from one of the windows of the TSBD
  134. Survivor of 1944 Hartford Circus Fire/Age five time of fire/holds veterinary position with the federal government in Florida
  135. criminal profiler
  136. German filmmaker who ran the film department in the Propaganda Ministry of the Third Reich, under Joseph Goebbels. He is most famous as director of the propaganda film Der ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew)
  137. Former First Lady of Chile. Widow of Aguston Pinochet
  138. Seattle construction equipment manager, born 1934. Worked on the construction of the Space Needle in 1961/1962
  139. WWII Veteran, Who Was A Front-Line Bomber Against The Nazis, Royal Canadian Air Force
  140. One of the participants in the Up documentary film series, that follows participants every 7 years starting in 7 Up in 1964 when they were 7 years old. Latest installment was 63 Up in 2019
  141. Transmitter engineer and vision mixer. She was one of a number of women recruited at the BBC during the 1950's
  142. BBC engineer who worked in television in it's early years and was part of a production team who transmitted the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II on TV screens in 1953
  143. Took photos at Love Field , Stemmons Freeway and Parkland , sold film to Reporter
  144. Born in Oklahoma in 1929, she became a Dust Bowl survivor of the 1930s. She became one of those interviewed by Ken Burns for his film on the Dust Bowl
  145. Supercentenarian (1888-2003), one of the last black US WWI veterans. Served as a stevedore in France and knew Gen. Pershing
  146. American law enforcement agent who has served as Sheriff of Bristol County Massachusetts since 1997
  147. One of the two women who as teenagers were the focus of the activity during the Enfield Haunting. She is now 52 and lives in the UK. Now the subject of the film 'The Conjuring 2'
  148. Hoffman was Director of Nursing at Parkland Memorial Hospital when new their new facility opened on Harry Hines Boulevard in 1954. While attending a conference in San Antonio, she saw President Kennedy during his visit to the city on November 21, 1963
  149. Eye-Witness to John F. Kennedy Assassination
  150. Activist
  151. NARAL Pro-Choice America President
  152. American held hostage during the Iran Hostage crisis
  153. Centenarian and an American pianist and professor emeritus at the University of Washington, Seattle. He is noted for his recordings of Bach, Schubert, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt and Mendelssohn
  154. US supercentenarian (1889-2000). Born to a Union Civil War vet, named after the new President, lived most of his life as an Oklahoma farmer, working well past 100. Once the world's oldest living man, now listed as the 65th oldest man to have ever lived
  155. Was Honor Guard for EX presidents FuneralLives in North Caroline
  156. One of the last survivors from the sinking of The RMS Laconia in 1942. The RMS Laconia was struck and sunk by a torpedo from a U-boat off the coast of west Africa. He was a Merchant seaman at the time and is now 90
  157. USN Test Pilot School Instructor/Chief, Human Systems Engineering Branch/USAF Test Pilot School Academic Instructor/Participated as a geophysicist on a remote field expedition to the Antarctic
  158. Iran Hostage Crisis/Military Attaché
  159. Witness JFK Assassination November 33nd 1963
  160. Centenarian (1898-2004). One of the last living Canadian WWI vets and the last Canadian to see combat in WWI
  161. News maker: Video taped the Rodney King Beating by LA Police Officers
  162. JFK - Assassination witness on 22 November 1963; stood at her window at the Texas School Book Depository and watched the motorcade as the fatal shots rang out; can be seen in picture taken a few seconds after Kennedy was shot
  163. 22 year old Morehouse College student,later a SNCC voter registration worker in the mid-1960s. Freedom Rider from Montgomery, Alabama to Jackson, Mississippi as part of a May 24, 1961 Freedom Ride. He was arrested the following day in Jackson for his invo
  164. Public Relations Director at Sam Bloom Agency and co-ordinated media coverage for both JFK's visit to Dallas and the Jack Ruby trial
  165. WWII airman, served in the OSS, the forerunner of the CIA, helping with various covert operations and missions in Europe
  166. Finnish economist. Together with Oliver Hart, he received the Central Bank of Sweden Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2016
  167. A reporter for the ABC affiliate in San Antonio , Holtzman covered the President Kennedy visit on Nov. 21 for WBAP-TV in Fort Worth
  168. 'Jeopardy James' - Holds records, Internet celebrity
  169. Husband of Anna Mitchell-Hedges. In 1924, Anna Mitchell-Hedges was in southern Belize, Central America when she claims to have found 'The Crystal Skull'.
  170. Japanese boxing promoter, member of the International Boxing Hall of Fame since 2009
  171. American rock climber - Author of memoir 'Alone on the Wall' - Subject of the Academy Award Winning Biographical Documentary 'Free Solo'
  172. First black student at the University of Alabama
  173. One of the last survivors of 'The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake'. Born in 1906, she is now 107 and lives in Santa Clara, California. She is one of three remaining survivors of the 1906 earthquake
  174. Tulsa race riot survivor and first African-American woman to enlist in the U.S. Coast Guard during World War 2. Dr. Olivia Hooker
  175. The oldest person in Britain, now 112. Born in 1903 in Dulwich, London. She was a concert pianist and was close friends with Amy Johnson, the pioneering aviator. She lives in the coastal town of Ryde on the Isle of Wight
  176. Was a Honor Guard At Ronald Reagan Funeral
  177. Andrew Hoover  (2)
    Great Grandson Of Herbert hooverBorn in 1940
  178. FBI Director until 1972
  179. Great Grandson Of Herbert HooverBorn in 1943
  180. Daughter - in law of Herbert Hoover Born 1911
  181. Last Surviving Civil War Widow Born: 12/07/1914
  182. American FBI agent who shot Vicki Weaver at Ruby Ridge in 1992
  183. Schindler's List survivor. Now goes as Niusia Karakulska
  184. The Ohio State University police officer who took down the alleged assailant in Monday?s attack on the Columbus campus is being praised by authorities for his quick actions, he fatally shot suspect Abdul Razak Ali Artan
  185. One of the oldest survivors of the dropping of the first Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima by the Enola Gay on 6 August 1945. He is now 87
  186. JFK - FBI agent that was blamed for JFK's death by Hoover as Hosty was responsible for handling the Oswald case *before* Kennedy was assassinated and saw no reason to detaon Oswald for that day
  187. #26 Oldest Person in the World. Lives in Canada Born 1894
  188. Volunteered in 1937. Served as a Transport driver. Granted Spanish honorary citizenship on July 9, 2009. One of the fewer than 25 Americans still alive from the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. Born: 1916
  189. Mike Howard  (3)
    Secret Service/served the White House detail during John F. Kennedy and then-Vice President Lyndon Johnson's administration?
  190. Iran Hostage Crisis/Assistant Regional Security Officer, held at Iranian Foreign Ministry Office
  191. Priest who gave JFK his last rights
  192. Born July 1 1911, Assistant counsel to the warring commission on the assassination of John f Kennedy November 22nd 1963
  193. American political aide, White House Press Secretary. She is the daughter of former governor of Arkansas and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, and former Arkansas first lady Janet Huckabee
  194. Manhattan Project, at Oak Ridge as a cubicle operator or 'Calutron girl' at the Y-12 Plant
  195. Witness to the shooting of President Kennedy . He was a groundskeeper in Dealey Plaza , said shots came from the TSBD
  196. One of the last survivors of The Halifax Explosion, which occured on on Thursday, December 6, 1917, when the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, was devastated by the world's largest man-made explosion. She is 101 and lives in Windsor, Ontario, Canada
  197. KRLD radio TV newsman/broadcast television's 1st murder on CBS from police garage when Jack Ruby shot Lee Oswald, interviewed slain assassin's mother. Was Warren Commission witness, & covered Jack Ruby's murder trial & finally his death
  198. Bill Hughes  (2)
    One of the last crew members and survivors from the sinking of RMS Lancastria in 1940 during WW2. He is now 93 and lives in Swadlincote, Derbyshire, UK
  199. Doug Hughes  (2)
    The Florida mailman who flew a gyrocopter through restricted airspace and landed on the Capitol lawn
  200. Photographer that covered JFK's visit to Fort Worth, catching the eye of the President as Hughes tripped in front of him, and later one of the very few who covered Oswald's funeral
  201. One if the freedom riders, on the bus
  202. Robert Hughes  (3)
    Recorded a lesser seen amateur film of the J.F.K. assassination
  203. Texas judge who swore Lyndon Johnson in as President following the assassination of John F. Kennedy. She died in 1985
  204. Woman in the background of Victor Jorgensen's famous Life Magazine photo of the sailor kissing a nurse on VJ Day in Times Square 1945
  205. Dispatcher for the Dallas Police Department in 1963 , answered call about shooting of Officer Tippitt
  206. Dr who worked on JFK after He was Shot; only female physician (anesthesiologist) on the Parkland scene on 22 November 1963
  207. Worked for Winston Churchill during the Second World War; Winston Churchill's former secretary; Churchill War Rooms typist: is living in Guildford, Surrey (United Kingdom)
  208. Attorney and Civil Rights activist, born 1947. Student participant in the Selma to Montgomery marches, including the violent Bloody Sunday clash
  209. Great granddaughter of Maria Rasputin. Maria Rasputin was the daughter of the Russian mystic Grigori Rasputin. Laurence Huot-Solovieff is one of the four great-grandchildren of Grigory Rasputin. She now lives in Paris, France
  210. U.S. Representative from Texas (2015-??)
  211. JFK: Catholic priest who narrated President John F. Kennedy's funeral Mass at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in Washington for a worldwide TV and radio audience
  212. Hurt observed the hearse carrying President Kennedy's body from Parkland Hospital to Dallas Love Field
  213. Computer Pioneer
  214. Daughter of former Iraqi president, Saddam Hussein.
  215. Trumpgate/Former White House aide & assistant to former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows during presidency of Donald Trump. Hutchinson testified on June 28, 2022, at public hearings of US House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack
  216. Dallas Police Officer in !963 , on patrol of motorcade route , later helped to arrest Lee Harvey Oswald
  217. Nurse at Parkland Memorial on Nov.22 when President Kennedy was brought there after the assassination
  218. Trumpgate/Possible hired by either Rudy or Trump though Rudy to surveil Yovnovitch. This from documents provided by Les Parnas. Hyde is now running for U.S. House seat in Connecticut
  219. Algiers Motel; as a young white female, Hysell witnessed the events at the motel in 1967 and was harassed and beaten brutally by the police
  220. Miss America 2013
  221. Gypsy Holocaust Auschwitz survivor