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  1. Brazilian supercentenarian, last known surviving, validated person in born in 1905
  2. Author and President of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Was a staff member of the US National Security Council (NSC) under Bill Clinton and a foreign policy adviser to Barack Obama
  3. Computer engineer, born 1937. Co-founder of Syzygy in 1969 and Atari in 1972. Co-creator of early video games Computer Space and Pong
  4. Award-winning copywriter, entrepreneur and the inventor of the Pet Rock
  5. Flight attendant aboard US Airways flight 1549 that landed in the Hudson River
  6. British Titanic Survivor
  7. DPD , one of two rear mid motorcycle officers in President Kennedy's motorcade on Nov.22 , 1963
  8. Last survivor of the 1914 Ludlow Massacre of coal mining families, which led to Congress enacting new labor laws and an 8 hour day. Born in 1914 and a baby during the event, her family was split up, and she was sent off to live in orphanages
  9. Grandson of President Harry Truman, born 1957
  10. Stood with 3 sons at west side of underpass at Dealey Plaza & filmed JFK motorcade as cars raced by with wounded President
  11. Inspiration for NBC's Miss Match
  12. Vietnam War 1975/Escaped during the Fall of Saigon/Was passenger violently forced without provocation from a United Airlines flight.and suffered a significant concussion, a broken nose, a sinus injury and lost two front teeth
  13. James Darnell  (2)
    Cameraman for WBAP-TV in President Kennedy's motorcade
  14. Great grandson of Charles Darwin, the famous English naturalist
  15. Iran Hostage Crisis/3rd Secretary of U.S. Mission (CIA officer)/Ph.D., is a professor of government and foreign policy at Armstrong Atlantic State University
  16. Dennis David  (2)
    A Petty Officer in the Medical Service Corps stationed at Bethesda Naval Med. Center on Nov.22/63 when President Kennedy was brought here for autopsy
  17. French Egyptologist and scientist who published a theory stating that the stones of the Great Pyramid where not carved stone but mostly a form of limestone concrete
  18. Granddaughter of Harley Davidson, Harley Davidson's Motorcycles. Author of 'Growing Up Harley-Davidson'
  19. WWII: Survivor (69th Medium Regt, Royal Artillery) of the Wormhoudt, France, massacre (May 1940). One of few survivors when German SS ambushed a convoy; most of the 50 men died, while he & 2 friends escaped. Later at El Alamein, Monte Cassino and France
  20. Wren during WW2/spent World War II listening - spending hours at a time trying to pick voices from squealing static, spying on the Germans
  21. Mathematician, writer. Wrote science fiction into the 60's
  22. Civil Rights Movement/Freedom Rider/Veteran of state's sit-in movement to end lunch counter segregation/Attempted to use white restrooms, were arrested for disorderly conduct & sentenced within the hour to a $200 fine & 60-day jail term
  23. Jack Davis  (3)
    Was inside Texas Theatre when Oswald arrived ; believed Oswald sat next to him for a short time
  24. US Diplomat (1878-1944). Asst Treasurer, Under-Sec. of State under Woodrow Wilson. Financial advisor at the WWI Paris Peace Conference. 1932 Time cover subject
  25. Radio newsman, covered JFK White House. Riding in the Dallas motorcade when Kennedy shot, covered the press conference at Parkland Hospital, and picked as one of the few reporters to cover the LBJ oath on Air Force One. He is seen, head down, in the iconi
  26. Fort Worth millionaire whose life was dramatized in the made for TV movie 'Texas Justice'
  27. Witnessed JFK assassination from the overpass directly ahead of Kennedy's limo
  28. Oklahoma dust bowl survivor, born 1924, interviewed for Ken Burns' documentary. WWII 'Rosie' at Boeing Aircraft working on B-29s. Career in journalism and teaching
  29. Miss America 2014, Miss New York 2013; born in Syracuse, NY she is the first Indian-American to be chosen as Miss America
  30. JFK - Dallas police investigator who was photographed lifting Oswald's rifle above his head
  31. Former Austin, TX police officer. One of three responsible for stopping Charles Whitman's mass killing at Univ Texas - Austin
  32. JFK - Dallas Police, involved in the Kennedy assassination investigations; officer in the rare photograph holding Oswald's rifle up and inspecting it
  33. Author of A Garden of Thorns, a memoir about surviving Nazi occupation in France including becoming a junior agent performing reconnaissance missions for the French resistance at age 13
  34. French politician and former general inspector of the French Navy, son of Charles de Gaulle
  35. 9/11 Survivor
  36. Oldest Person in the World. Born 09/10/1893 Deceased 2009
  37. Dutch Engelandvaader. Born: 09/21/1911
  38. Helped to capture serial killer Richard Ramirez
  39. Former Head of the IMF
  40. JFK Aid & alleged mistress/83-year-old psychotherapist and grandmother at 09/22/2021/Descriptions of their affair were previously published in Vanity Fair editor Sally Bedell Smith's 2004 book about the Kennedys, Grace and Power
  41. Publisher Dallas Morning News/Harbored animosity against JFK, told JFK in White House he was not ?the man on horseback? the country was searching for rather a wimp ?on Caroline?s tricycle.? Plaza where JFK was shot named after his family
  42. JFK - Jerry Dealey, Dallas historian/assassination researcher, is of the Dealey family who gave the Plaza its name. Dealey Plaza was named after the founder of the Dallas Morning News, George B. Dealey, Jerry's great grandfather's brother
  43. Last survivor of the Titanic sinking. Born: 02/02/1912 - Deceased 2009
  44. Golden State Killer suspect
  45. USMC Drill Team , JFK funeral
  46. Centarian who survived both the spanish flu and COVID
  47. American Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  48. 9/11 survivor
  49. JFK - Secret Service; WHD (White House Detail) for Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon. Advance Agent for Houston (Nov. 21, 1963, not in Dallas (sent home after Houston)
  50. US Navy veteran of the USS Nautilus' historic first underwater crossing of the North Pole on Aug 3, 1958. Born 1933
  51. Attorney for David Koresh
  52. WWII Veteran, Battle of Bataan, POW, 515th Coastal Artillery Regiment, Captured at Corregidor
  53. Spanish centenarian, born 1913. One of the last known Spanish citizens to have had the 1918 'Spanish Flu'. In 2020, she survived Covid-19 at the age of 106
  54. Police officer shot by John Hinckley Jr. during the attempted assassination of US President Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981
  55. Miss America 1927
  56. Supreme Court: One of the three officers on scene in the 4th amendment landmark case Mapp v. Ohio (1961), where he participated in the raid on Ms. Mapp's residence
  57. Radio Announcer, did KLFI 12 Noon newscast the hour describing the President's arrival at Love Field/among journalists in the police station basement when Jack Ruby fatally shot Lee Harvey Oswald
  58. (Mexican Revolution) Last Living Member of Pancho Villa's Division del Norte. Born:1900
  59. Hollywood Celebrity - A woman who used to walk around Hollywood with heavy make-up applied to her face. It was this look (and hair style) that Bette Davis chose to use for her make-up in Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?; stage star born in Hodgenville, KY
  60. Former FBI criminal profiler/Was lead profiler in San Francisco & worked on the Unabomber case/Currently hosts Investigation Discovery programs Deadly Women and Facing Evil. Often compared to Clarice Starling from The Silence of the Lambs
  61. Survivor of 1944 Hartford Circus Fire
  62. Survivor of 1944 Hartford Ringling Brothers Circus Fire/Age 3 (age 4 on July 25th) time of fire
  63. Survivor of 1944 Hartford Ringling Brothers Circus Fire/Age six time of fire
  64. Age 7 Survivor of 1944 Hartford Circus Fire /got out safely through a slit in the tent
  65. Russian born women who claims to possess a special vision that allows her to look inside human bodies and see organs and tissues, and thereby make medical diagnoses. She has appeared on television shows and performed readings in Russia
  66. JFK - Secret Service, White House Detail secretary. The Miss Moneypenny of the US Secret Service!
  67. An employee at a Dallas Stock Exchange Company , Denny watched the Kennedy motorcade on Main St. . Her office closed early when the stock exchange shut down following the assassination
  68. Former German Major during World War 2.Born: 06/30/1915
  69. WW2 Vet. Survived the sinking of the USS Atlanta, and involved in Battles of the Coral Sea, Midway, Guadalcanal, and Okinawa. Knew and regularly saw JFK while working as a Navy radioman. During Japanese surrender ceremony, transmitted the news to the worl
  70. Truck driver who was almost killed in the '92 Los Angeles riots
  71. Donna Dent  (2)
    Flight attendant aboard US Airways flight 1549 that landed in the Hudson River
  72. Works for The Oxford Dictionary and is regularly seen on TV's 'Countdown' in 'Dictionary Corner' alongside the show's celebrity guest
  73. WWII army vet, assigned to clean-up/odd job duties at the Manhattan Project's Los Alamos base. Witness to the first atomic explosion, the Trinity Test on July 16, 1945
  74. Jim Garrison's Lawyer who investigated the JFK Assassination in the 60's
  75. Supreme Court: One of the three officers present at the raid on Ms. Mapp's residence, which resulted in the landmark case Mapp v. Ohio (1961). Considered a 4th amendment victory
  76. JFK - Honor Guard at President Kennedy's funeral
  77. Former Correctional Officer Alcatraz Prison from 1950 to 1958. Guarding such noted prisoners as Robert the Birdman of Alcatraz Stroud, Machine - Gun Kelly, & former Public Enemy #1 Alvin Creepy Karpis
  78. Survivor of 1944 Hartford Circus Fire
  79. US Marine, WWII veteran, born 1921. Saw action at Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Saipan, Tinian. Beat Covid-19 at 99 years old
  80. Survivor of 1944 Hartford Ringling Brother's Circus Fire/Age six time of fire
  81. Author;'Just A Kid, A Guard at the Nuremberg Trials' 18 years old when drafted in 1944, into infantry. Found himself standing guard over Nazi war criminals, & watched as atrocities were described in detail throughout the Nuremberg Trails
  82. Last survivor of the Raid of the Ghetto of Rome 16 October 1943
  83. Pallbearer For JFK Funeral
  84. British actor and performer known in the United Kingdom and the United States for his one man shows based on the novels of his great great grandfather, Charles Dickens
  85. World Famous Private Investigator and multi - millionaire security company CEO
  86. Great Great Grandson of Ulysses S. Grant
  87. Survivor of 9/11 World Trade Center attacks - was damaged by a huge fireball and the last known survivor of the South Tower, has since moved to Canada
  88. Italian Super Centenarian (b. 1891)
  89. Chief photographer for the Dallas Morning News in 1963, Dillard was riding in a press car in the presidential motorcade and took photos of the sixth floor window of the Texas School Book Depository immediately after the shooting
  90. Survivor of 1944 Hartford Circus Fire
  91. 9/11 Survivor
  92. JFK - Honor Guard at Kennedy funeral 1963; was in charge of ushers at St. Matthew's Cathedral and in charge of Irish cadets at JFK funeral
  93. He was outside the Texas Theatre when Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested
  94. Last Surviving Passenger from The Hindenburg Disaster of 1937. Born: 1929
  95. John Dolan  (2)
    JFK: Witness to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy
  96. JFK: A close aide to President John F. Kennedy, a prominent attorney, former president and CEO of Nike
  97. JFK - Witness to the assassination of John F. Kennedy; worked at the Dallas Morning News, can be seen in the Zapruder movie
  98. Emmett Till case. Carolyn Donham, the white woman at the center of the case, admitted she lied about the events leading up to the murder. Donham told police in 1955 that Till (14) whistled at her and tried to grab her inside a store in Money, Miss
  99. Survivor of 1944 Hartford Ringling Brother's Circus Fire/Talked with her on phone, she said she was about six the time of the fire, has fear of tents
  100. Altar boy at John F Kennedy's funeral mass in Washington DC. Father was a doctor who was a Harvard classmate of JFK and treated John & Jackie before the Presidency
  101. An American invertebrate paleontologist who became known for his discovery in 1909 of well-preserved fossils in the Burgess Shale of British Columbia, Canada; Secretary of the Smithsonian (1907-1927)
  102. Holocaust survivor of the Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen and Salzwedel concentration camps
  103. Suffolk County Police Commissioner during the long island serial killer investigations
  104. 18th oldest person in the world. Lives in Portugal born 1894
  105. German-Finnish Internet entrepreneur and political activist who resides in Queenstown, New Zealand
  106. Alabama State Trooper; while protecting George Wallace on the campaign trail, he was unintentionally shot in the stomach by Arthur Bremer during the attempt on Wallace's life
  107. 23 Oldest Person in the World Born 1894 Lives in Italy
  108. An employee of TSBD , Dougherty saw Lee Harvey Oswald arrive on the morning of the assassination . He told the Warren Commission that he didn't think Oswald was carrying anything
  109. As a 12 yr. old watched Pres. Kennedy's motorcade on Harwood St. in Dallas and then heard the shots in Dealey Plaza , friends with Officer J.D. Tippet's son
  110. One of the 'Rosie the Riveteers' during WW2. One of The Last Voices of World War II in the June 2020 issue of National Geographic
  111. Donald Trump's lawyer/Special Counsel to the Commissioner of Baseball and author of a report that led to the banning of Major League Baseball player Pete Rose
  112. Model for the 'We Can Do It!' posters during World War II
  113. Richard Doyle  (2)
    Great-nephew of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who created Sherlock Holmes. Lives in Boyatt Wood, Hampshire, UK
  114. Unverified Italian World War 1 Veteran.Born:01/25/1901. Lives in Maniago, Italy
  115. President of the European Central Bank
  116. JFK assassination witness. Co-worker of Oswald, standing in front of the Texas School Book Depository when was Kennedy shot
  117. Author 'Life On a Short Fuse' /War or Conflict Korean War, 1950-1953 Air Force/Korea/Vietnam War, 1961-1975/Lieutenant Colonel/Served as a Fighter Pilot; a Command Pilot; a Test Pilot; and an Instructor Pilot
  118. JFK - FBI special agent assigned to the Parkland trauma room where Kennedy died
  119. Honor Guard; an interesting one as he was there when Air Force One arrived back at Washington with the coffin
  120. Victoria Manalo Draves, the first woman to win two gold medals in diving in the same Olympics ? in the three-meter springboard and the 10-meter platform competitions in London in 1948 and the first Asian American to win an Olympic medal
  121. Schindler List survivor. Known as Dr. Danka Dresner Schindel
  122. Holocaust survivor. On Schindler's list. Is a doctor who lives in Israel. Also known as Yonathan or Jonathan
  123. Motor Machinst's Mate 2nd Class Edmund T. Drewitch served aboard PT 109 along with then Lt (jg) and future President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy; due to injury, he was not aboard PT-109 when it was sunk
  124. Spy - Involved in the Bay of Pigs
  125. One of the last 1918 Spanish Flu survivors. As of April 2020, she is 104 and lives in Letterkenny, Ireland
  126. Labor leader
  127. Newsman for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, covered many 20th century events. Was in the JFK motorcade when Kennedy was killed and later witnessed Oswald being shot. In the 70s, he covered Cambodia and was held as a civilian prisoner of war for a time, and w
  128. Spanish Civil War Veteran 'International Brigade'. Born:01/24/1916
  129. Survivor Of 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
  130. Robert was a sergeant in the Dallas Police Dept .He was stationed at the Trade Mart on Nov. 22 '63 . Later he stood guard outside Trauma Room #1 as JFK was treated
  131. Former blackjack player with MIT Blackjack Team/Played with Strategic Investments & one of founding members & team leaders on Amphibian Investments exploits chronicled in Ben Mezrich's Busting Vegas & referred to in Bringing Down the House
  132. First surgeon to receive President John F. Kennedy after being shot and taken to Dallas Parkland Hospital, & attended to the wounds of then Texas Governor John Connally, who was shot at the same time John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963
  133. JFK/November 22nd 1963 Duke-Ruhd observed the Kennedy motorcade on Lemmon Avenue
  134. JFK was at Love Field November 22 1963
  135. Subject of the film Melvin and Howard
  136. United States Air Aces
  137. U.S. Secret Service agent assigned to the White House detail during the Kennedy years, Duncan served as the advance agent for Fort Worth during the Texas visit in November 1963
  138. KLIF radio newsman in Dallas who had interaction with Jack Ruby on November 23 , 1963
  139. Supercentenarian Born 1907 Went to school at Bath Consolodated School. Was at home sick when the Bath School Massacre took place in 1927, which killed 38 children and 6 adults
  140. Maternal Grandmother of Barak Obama
  141. Harry Dunn  (2)
    Police Officer, fought rioters at the capitol during the January 6th Insurrection
  142. Centenarian (1899-2001). US WWI Army veteran, served in the ambulance corps in France. Later became a freelance writer, writing books in the 1920s, including WWI experiences. One of 8 WWI vets profiled by Life magazine on the 80th anniversary in 1998
  143. First woman to become a US Four Star General
  144. Author - 'Caught in the Act', The true story of his life. He was caught in the '80's helping people escape from East to West Germany. He spent several years in a Prison in Budapest
  145. Former member of the Bay of Pigs Invasion; a prisoner of war in Cuba for 18 months; former president of the Bay of Pigs Veterans Association. Now an attorney in Miami.
  146. Survived falling off his 22 foot boat while grouper fishing in the Gulf of Mexico. Has been feautured in many magazines
  147. Marine Master Sergeant who saved Howard Hughes after the Beverly Hills plane crash documented in The Aviator
  148. Turkish Air Force Captain who in 1959, took the first photograph of a strange formation on Mount Ararat, believed to be the remains of Noah's Ark. He was still alive in 2007, not sure if he still is now
  149. Engineer 1st working American gasoline-powered car & co-founder of Duryea Motor Wagon Company. In Springfield Charles & his brother Frank produced & road-tested America's 1st gasoline-powered car
  150. Living witness to the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi in New Delhi, India in 1948. At the time he worked as a journalist
  151. Former first lady of Haiti and ex-wife of Dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier, lives under her maiden name Bennett in France
  152. Truck driver was picking up shipment of books at Texas School Book Depository on Nov.22 and saw Oswald before assassination
  153. One of Russia's most notable specialists in the investigation of unidentified flying objects. He works as a coordinator at The Science and Research center Kosmopoisk (Search of Cosmos), Russia
  154. Co-Founder Of The DemCoalittion, has been featured on MSNBC