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  1. NASA/MIT: Rendezvous Engineer; he worked on the rendezvous system, which was bringing the Lunar and Command Modules back together in orbit. The system was in use starting Apollo 7. Later worked at the Skylab and Space Shuttle programs
  2. Former Payload Specialist Astronaut
  3. Astronaut
  4. Boeing Company engineer, (NASA) Lunar Orbiter 1; 'Earthrise' photograph 23 August 1966; mapping the moon
  5. Astronaut. Shuttle missions STS-91, STS-99, STS-104
  6. US WWII Marine, born 1924. Served in the Battles of Guadalcanal and Tarawa. Worked under Werner von Braun in the 50s, absorbed into the newly formed NASA. Knew and worked with astronauts back to the original 7. Retired in 1985
  7. NASA Associate Deputy Administrator for Strategy and Policy
  8. astronaut
  9. US Senator Arizona; former NASA astronaut flew four space shuttle missions
  10. Flight astronaut sts-103
  11. NASA - Apollo lunar module software engineer
  12. a physician and former NASA astronaut
  13. NASA: Assistant Flight Controller Apollo 11; started during the Mercury program in 1963 and worked through the end of Apollo in the mid-1970s and on the Space Shuttle into the early 1980s
  14. astronaut
  15. Astronaut, doctor, navy seal
  16. Flight astronaut sts-126
  17. Belarusian-American rocket scientist (Born: 1910) In the mid-1950's he began his scientific activities in the field of astronautics. For 25 years he worked in the American space research program. He lives in Frankfurt-am-Main in Germany
  18. (born 10 July 1942) is a former Soviet cosmonaut and the first Belarusian to perform space travel. Klimuk made three flights into space:Soyuz 13,Soyuz 18,Soyuz 30
  19. NASA/MIT: Computer Programmer; coded, debugged and documented the navigation program P23, which the astronauts used to correct spacecraft drift between the earth and the moon
  20. Astronaut
  21. astronaut
  22. NASA scientist and leader in the design of several robotic deep-space planetary missions.He is also an author, game developer, lecturer,photographer and environmentalist
  23. ABMA/NASA. Joined the Werner von Braun rocket team in 1959. Worked on Mercury, Apollo, Skylab, and Apollo-Soyuz Test Project. Manning a console in the Firing Room for most of the Apollo launches, including Apollo 7 through 13
  24. Former Soviet cosmonaut (Born: 1930) Although he retired in 1983 without flying in space, he served non-flying assignments on several spaceflights
  25. Russian cosmonaut. Voskhod-1 & Soyuz-1. Died in the landing of Soyuz 1
  26. Russian female cosmonaut who was the third woman to travel to space and the first to make a long-duration spaceflight.She is now a member of the Russian parliament
  27. astronaut
  28. Physicist - NASA
  29. astronaut
  30. Flight astronaut backup ps spacelab
  31. Cosmonaut
  32. A retired Russian cosmonaut (Soyuz TM-33/TM-32)
  33. space administrative
  34. NASA flight director during first Moon landing and Apollo 13 explosion (Played by Ed Harris in 'Apollo 13')
  35. Dr. Wernher Von Braun Rocket Team Scientist
  36. NASA astronaut (retired) Four space shuttle flights STS -70, 78, 87, 99
  37. US Navy vet on the USS Randolph, born 1940. Participated in the Mercury mission recoveries of Gus Grissom and John Glenn. Served to escort and guide members of the onboard press onboard during the recoveries
  38. Russian cosmonaut born 1958
  39. Russian cosmonaut / astronaut
  40. Unmanned space exploration
  41. (1935-2014) was a Soviet cosmonaut who flew on two missions in the Soyuz programme as a flight engineer: Soyuz 6 and Soyuz 19 (the Apollo-Soyuz mission), and commanded Soyuz 36 in the Intercosmos programme
  42. Flight astronaut
  43. Astronaut
  44. Cosmonaut from Eastern Germany, was the backup astronaut for Sigmund Jähn