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  1. Famous Astrophysicist with his work in magnetospheric physics. Responsible for helping the NASA Program to get off the ground.
  2. NASA lead flight director
  3. astronaut
  4. Artist, Apollo 15 'Fallen Astronauts' Sculpture
  5. astronaut
  6. Political Consultant and a candidate to go to Mars
  7. Astronaut
  8. Flight astronaut
  9. (1952-2002) Was a Soviet cosmonaut. He flew as the Commander on Soyuz T-14 to the Salyut 7 space station, for part of the long-duration mission Salyut 7 EO-4. He spent 64 days 21 hours 52 minutes in space. He died of cancer at the age of 50
  10. A retired research scientist from the Global Hydrology and Climate Center of the Marshall Center. He received his BSME in 1951, his MSME in 1959 from Clemson University, and continued additional graduate studies in Environmental Sciences at the University
  11. Charles Lacy Veach (September 18, 1944 - October 3, 1995) was a USAF fighter pilot and NASA astronaut. He flew on STS-39 & STS-52.Lacy Veach died in Houston, Texas, on October 3, 1995, of cancer. He is interred at the National Memorial Cemetery of the
  12. Grumman Structural Engineer for the Apollo missions, born 1937. Worked on the triangular cabin windows on the Lunar Module of Apollo 11, as well as the LM's tanks, thermal blanket and wiring
  13. Flight astronaut
  14. Austrian Cosmonaut
  15. Cosmonaut
  16. Cosmonaut
  17. astronaut
  18. astronaut
  19. Cosmonaut
  20. Cosmonaut
  21. Russian cosmonaut. Soyuz 7 & 11. Died in the landing of Soyuz 11
  22. russia cosmonaut
  23. Soviet cosmonaut who flew two space missions of the Soyuz programme: Soyuz 5, and Soyuz 21. He was the first Jewish cosmonaut to enter space, preceding Judith Resnik in the United States
  24. German-born rocket scientist, aerospace engineer, space architect, & leading figure in development of rocket technology in Nazi Germany during World War II & the United
  25. Former NASA Mission Controller
  26. Aero-Space Scientist for NASA
  27. NASA - Chief Technologist at the Armstrong Flight Research Center
  28. astronaut
  29. astronaut NASA . STS-57 (1993), STS-63 (1995), STS-83 (1997), STS-94 (1997) and STS-99 (2000)